
  1. B

    Excel 2021 - FilterXML OpenWeatherMap Forecast API

    Prefer formula, not PQ. Learning PQ later. OpenWeatherMap has a free API which will forecast weather every 3 hours for 5 days. That's alot of data. I'm trying to devise a formula that will extract data from the API for a specific date and time. Using the following result from an API...
  2. G

    with Win32API, drag all open userforms, while dragging main userform.

    Using Win32API. Is it possible to drag all open userforms (shown or hidden) (all forms in VBA.userforms collection), when main userform is dragged, relative to Main Userform's position..? All the userforms gets initialized without title bar, and only main or first userform has dragging ability...
  3. D

    [NOTE] Using WinRT API from VBA

    I set out below my research re: WinRT APIs. These are separate to the Win32 API set and allow access to greater windows functionality. I first came across them from the PowerToys Image2Text OCR tool, which was then implemented by the AHK community here: Easy OCR - AutoHotkey Community From...
  4. S

    How to send the API body in a MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 patch call

    All, I've successfully used the code below to place some GET API calls to my companies contracted CMS platform. I'm now trying to do the same for a patch call. See images below, the patch call requires a "BODY" that a GET call does not. I'm not sure how to put this in my VBA code. I...
  5. R

    Programmatically pressing WinKey + V to display the Windows (10) clipboard

    No luck with Sendkeys, so I've tried the code below, which sort of works, except that the Windows clilpboard flashes up then immediately disappears. The Const VK_LMENU &H5B appears to work (I've tried and discarded &HA4, because when I call this function in the VBE with &HA4, it just brings up...
  6. L

    Power BI - unable to fetch data using API

    Greetings Everyone, As it is my first post I would like to thank you for opportunity to join this community. My name is Piotr and recently I have been asked to download data from transparency platform using API and Power Query. I have never seen or used Power Query or API therefore I kindly...
  7. S

    VBA Api integration - Empty Return

    Hey guys. I have a question. I have a site and I want to pull data through this website. I wrote a VBA code but it seems it always return empty even though there are data. Here is the code; Sub dataxx() Dim request As New WinHttpRequest request.Open "Get"...
  8. A

    What is Application.Sendkeys for "Windows" key in VBA ?

    There is no documentation of "windows" key :Application.SendKeys method (Excel) So, I tried "Ctrl+Esc" for windows key : Application.SendKeys ("^({ESC}{LEFT})") but it didn't work. Is there a way to send windows key using API, dll etc without using external programs like AutoIt.
  9. A

    How to Bring "External App/Programs" Window to Front using VBA ?

    How to bring window to front using the Caption/Title of the applications/Program ? The following code is used to get the Caption/Title of the application but when when Appactivate is used, it simply activates the External program but does not bring the Program's window to front or Maximize it...
  10. J

    How to bring in data from api without it clearing all the contents of my worksheet?

    So i have some vba code which allows me to import data form a website using an api. This data take up the columns A to K and approx 50000 rows each. The problem is that whenever i run this code to bring in my data it clears all the contents on the worksheet before the data was there. In the L...
  11. F

    New window, move to second screen (using VBA)

    I was looking into a macro to open a second window of an Excel document, on a second screen with a dual monitor setup. Using excel command New Window, or something like ActiveWindow.NewWindow in VBA. - The current Excel workbook may be on either monitor 1 or 2. If on monitor 1, open new window...
  12. V

    Can u Explain Powerbi rest api AddRows?

    Hi, I'm taking a shot at a real-time dashboard that I can use the PowerB REST API for. My inquiry is how the refresh of the columns works. I have 1300 records stacked once and then 2 sections per column need to be refreshed at regular intervals. The main rest call I see is adding rows, but...
  13. C

    Travel time from Postcode using Bing Map API - HELP

    I've hit a brick wall trying to figure this one out so i'm hoping someone can help me. I use a spreadsheet for vehicle routing which contains destination postcodes (UK). I would like to automatically populate a distance and time cells based on the postcode using the bing maps API I haven't got...
  14. N

    Data from API into Excel sheet shows "[List]" How to expand values in spreadsheet

    I pulled data into excel from an API. However, it shows as list then record. I need all records expanded when I close and load, but can't figure it out. A few screenshots to help see what I'm trying to work with: I need the values: id, ticket_id, user_id, reason, and created_at. I do not...
  15. T

    Open browser, send a few URLs, then close window?

    Programmatically, how can I close a browser window that I have opened from within Microsoft Access? I am currently using the "Shell" command but am open to using another method. P.S. I tried setting a variable ("pHandle") as the return value of the Shell command, then using some code I found...
  16. S

    Copy and paste excell cell data to another software with sendkeys or API

    Hello, I have to take data from an excel file that contains mostly int or float that correspond to electrical engineering simulations and paste them into a software that is called Cymcap to run these simulations. Each line of the excel file is a simulation and sometimes there are hundreds of...
  17. N

    Can't obtain url string after redirect

    My goal is to obtain information from a url via the API, return the data as JSON, parsing it and then returning it to Excel range. The problem I’m facing arises when the 1st url gets redirected automatically. I have tried to implement a wait in the code, to wait till the 1st url is redirected...
  18. S

    Can the border properties of a UserForm be changed through Windows API calls..?

    I recently started using Excel 2019 on Windows 10. In this environment, Windows places a thin red border around VBA UserForms, and there are no properties within VBA to change it. In the screenshot below, I've changed the UserForm border style to 'Thin' & color to 'Black' to show what I mean...
  19. T

    PowerQuery Error after reopening workbook "Authorization Error: The credentials for the source Web invalid."

    Hi All, I'd like to get the spotify web api data from the following link thru Excel PowerQuery web connector: Spotify API link I created a web query with the following code: let Bron = Json.Document(Web.Contents(functionGetNamedRange("SourceURL"), [Headers=[Accept="application/json"...
  20. Y

    VBA to pass GET to API

    Hello, I know this question has been asked before, but I still find myself lost. In short, I would like help with creating VBA code that passes the following GET request to an API, and returns the JSON results in 'Sheet2'...

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