
  1. A

    VBA : Audit Selector Based on Task with no repeated user.

    Hi There , I would humbly seek help to find a logic on how to apply an Audit Tool where it will randomly pick a user and task based on required audit number. Previously , I have created a simple audit tool that capture the total number of row and randomly take any row but this has cause the...
  2. D

    Audit Log VBA Code Microsoft 365

    Hi everybody, I've tried a bunch of different codes I've found online for creating an audit log that tracks any changes within a workbook but either they do not work, or they create an endless loop that eventually crashes Excel. Can anyone help me with some code that will track any changes made...
  3. J

    Quarterly audit formula

    Hello everyone, I work for an accounting department at a large resort chain. We have to perform quarterly audits on the cash banks issued to select employees around the property. Right now I have a master sheet that has every employee with a bank and the date that bank was issued in a left...
  4. H

    Index/Match values for multiple possible matches

    I have a list of employees and their course assignments, a list of employees and their certifications, and a list of the required certifications for each course. I am trying to run a single cell check on whether the person is appropriately certified for a assignment based on the range of...
  5. J

    VBA Code to set up an audit trail in a separate sheet of a workbook.

    Hello all, I have the task of setting up an audit trail for all changes that are made to a spreadsheet. Suppose the spreadsheet has Sheet 1 and a log sheet. I want the log sheet to record all changes made to Sheet 1 by displaying the user name, the change, the old value, the new value, the...
  6. L

    Audit trail for Unbound forms

    Guys There are a couple of good examples in the internet on how to implement an audit trail database. But unfortunetaly are examples for bound forms/controls. I'm developing a database with unbound forms/controls. I cannot use the property OldValue on unbound controls so I cannot implement the...
  7. M

    Co-authored workbook audit trail

    Hi all, I'm a novice at excel and looking for someone with VBA experience to perhaps fill the gap. I have a workbook that has a unique identifier, a name, a date and a dependent dropdown menu (stage and status) for every row. I'm looking to keep in a separate spreadsheet an audit trail of...
  8. V

    Help with SQL code within Excel

    Hi guys, I hope you can help me with the SQL query below that I am running in Excel via the Data->Connection, error: Syntax error in FROM clause. Long story short, I used to do a data dump from our database into MS Access and then run the SQL code below from within Excel. It still works nicely...
  9. N

    Excel Identify users audit

    Hi, I'm trying to keep track of who opens an excel workbook and the date. I have some code here to identify the user: Public Function UserName() UserName = Environ$("UserName") End Function This is a good start but a single cell is not a good solution because I would always just see me as...
  10. T

    Using RAND function

    Question, I have not used this and I need to set up based on 2 criteria I have a column with names in it and a second column with codes in them. I only want 10% of the total codes for each name Name 1 can have 20 codes so I need to randomize the two codes that get audited. Name 2 50 codes so...
  11. J

    Reverse Index/Match

    I have a vertical calendar I use to set up my yearly audits. I want to create a table with a function that will automatically return the start date and end date of each audit based on the first and last time the audit name appears (i.e., Test Wall). Is there an easy solution to creating this - I...
  12. E

    Index Match Multiple Criteria - Two Tabs

    I am trying to do an index match. I want to match the Vendor ID and Max Manual Date in the Audit tab to the corresponding row in the Quality tab to get the Manual Rating and then to match the Vendor ID and Max of EtQ Audit Date to get the EtQ Rating. None of my formulas work. Can someone...
  13. T

    Clicking a hyperlink in Excel to set filter on a different sheet

    I have an Excel workbook with two sheets, basically a one-to-many setup between the two sheets. The first sheet lists projects and the second sheet lists the issues for each project. The second sheet has filters on each column What I am attempting to do is have a user click the issues cell on...
  14. O

    Hyperlink autofill help

    Hello, I'm trying to simplify the addition of thousands of hyperlinks in a spreadsheet. I have the pictures in a folder and just need to figure out how to get autofill to work with the addressing. The formula below points to the beginning of a series of pictures. How can I drag down and...
  15. F

    VBA audit trail - modifications

    Hello, pleas, how I could exclude changes of blank value? I no need log, when emty cell is changed. Thank you! Dim PreviousValues As Variant Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 'Store current values of all cells Application.EnableEvents = True...
  16. F

    VBA audit trail - old value not archive

    Hello, im using this code for audit trail, but he is not archive old value. For example when I changed 5 to 10. In log I will have new value only. Could you help me please? Im total newb in VBA. Thank you! Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Rw As Long Dim strAddress...
  17. S

    Excel Change Audit

    Hi all I would like to be able to create an audit trail within Excel to record, for a single worksheet (lets call it SOURCE: - cells that have been amended - who amended it (we all log in, so I assume an Active Directory user name field could be used?) - date/time amended - what was done in the...
  18. M

    Excel VBA - Extracting Data from Another File

    Hello, I am having an issue figuring this out. I have the below code that will open afile based on certain dates. Since the file names have varying dates everymonth I created variables that will open the correct file based on the dates incertain cells. Cells A15 and A16 have the actual dates...
  19. M

    Open file based on changing date value

    Hello, I am trying to createa vba code that will open two spreadsheets based on the changing year and monthvalues. I have the below codethat will first enter the date value needed for current reporting period andprior reporting period (3/31/18 and 2/28/18 respectively).I am having...
  20. B

    Count number of audit by person every week

    I have a sheet that collects information about audits. I want to build a graph that shows number of audits done by each person but only for the current week. So the sheet collects who did each audit everytime its entered. I would like the graph to count the names by the current week so I can see...

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