
  1. WaqasTariq

    Based on visible rows calculate (COUNTIF, MINIF, AVERAGEIF, MAXIF)

    I am looking to calculate the "Cst Info" data based on the filtered data available on the "Data" worksheet. I have so far tried searching the forum, but have been unable to find something similar. Example workbook uploaded here. This is how my "Data" worksheet looks like (after filtering for...
  2. P

    Using VLOOKUP formula to find the total sum and using AVERAGEIF formula to find average sum

    Sheet 2 has information about the sales of various products for a manufacturer "XYZ" while sheet 3 has the information about the prices of these products. Using the data in Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 answer the following questions: Q1: Using Vlookup formula, calculate the total money earned by "XYZ"...
  3. M

    Excel Formula for Avg Tenure with a twist

    Hi I am trying to figure out a formula that would give me the average tenure per year of the Active employees for that year. I have a list of the employees with start and end dates and their Departments, and their tenure for each year they worked. Here are the two lists: What I need is to get...
  4. C

    Averageif Always Returns the Wrong Answer

    Hi. I'm trying to use an averageif formula and I think I have it correct, but it keeps returning the same value that is wrong. Here is the formula I'm using: =AVERAGEif($E$2:$E$1000,"George H.W. Bush",$F$2:$J$1000) Here is the table I'm pulling from: 1 E F G H I J 2 George H.W. Bush...
  5. M

    AVERAGEIF(column,"<>0) giving error #DIV/0!

    I have a table with 20 rows and only 6 rows have data in them. I'm trying to get the average of only the rows containing data in a column. Can anyone help me figure out why I'm getting an error on this formula? Example: Sam 5 Jess 2 Dean 4 Michael 4
  6. J

    Average index match?

    Hi, First post - sorry if this question has been asked before. I want to calculate the following: In the cell highlighted i want the average OEE calculation from the following tab: I'm sure it will be easy for one of you! :)
  7. F

    How not to include a cell using the function AVERAGEIF?

    Hello guys, I was wondering if someone could help me. I have a range from H5:H12 from wich I need the average but I cannot include the cell H11. Because I'm in an Excel Course, the professor asked specifically for the function AVERAGEIF but many classmates and myself included, can't find the...
  8. M

    Calculating Average only if the difference between the values is less than 10%

    Hi, As per title, I'm calculating the average of unique ID's in my list via: =AVERAGEIF($A$2:$A$110, A2, $B$2:$B$110) ID: Value Average Example1 10 10.75 Example1 15 10.75 Example1 12 10.75 Example2 59 54.66667 Example2 60 54.66667 Example3 100 100 4Example 500 505 4Example...
  9. G

    Summarising data help (with pictures)

    I'm stuck on the best way to summarize date. I have 30+ Techs, they each have their own workbook set out as per, "User Workbook Example" Each tech may do a different job each day.. they may do the same, however in there workbook the jobs are laid out as tabs at the bottom. My Example here is...
  10. G

    Average if

    In my data set each line has a persons name, there are a total of 5 names. After their name is a start time and date and after that is a Finnish time and date. This is laid out from column a to c each name has multiple entry’s in the data set anywhere from 20 to 70 entry’s each day. is there a...
  11. O

    Sum Monthly Data to Quarterly

    Trying to Sum monthly data from a column in a different sheet to a quarterly output in a row on my summary page. Anybody know of a formula that I could use to do this? Thanks!
  12. G

    running average based off month

    Hello, I have a table that I want to keep a running average off of based on month. The table looks like this: <tbody> Month Score 1 0.92 2 0.92 3 0.89 4 0.91 5 0.91 6 0.81 7 0.88 8 0.89 9 0.83 10 0.86 11 0.94 12 0.93 </tbody> I want to keep a running average from...
  13. D

    Linking data from another workbook using AVERAGEIF

    Hi everyone, I am using an averageif equation, and in the equation I am referencing data from another workbook on my company's server. When I have said workbook open, the equation works and I get my number. However, if I close it, I get a #value ! error. Is there anyway to fix this error and...
  14. I

    Averageif specific cells rather than a range

    I am trying to create an averageif formula but rather than for a range, a specific set of cells: A1, A5, A7 I thought it would be as follows: =averageif((A1, A5, A7), "<>")) But this returns #Value! Any advice or help would be much appriciated. Iain.
  15. A

    AverageIF issue

    Hello, I am having a hard time figuring out this formula, any help is appreciated. I would like get an average of seconds based on certain criteria. For example, if using the table below, how could i get the average of seconds below 1:00? <tbody> 00:25 1:02 00:26 1:22 00:80 00:30 00:29...
  16. K

    Average If (I think) Help

    Hey guys, Long time lurker, first time poster! Need some help if I may, I'm running a dataset for tender airfreight costs for my business, got the results split by country of origin, by weight break (45kg,100kg etc), across 4 carriers and three service levels (Deferred/Standard and Premium) I...
  17. R

    Averageifs with multiple criteria

    The formula listed below is only averaging items for "5B" and does not include items from "LI". I have tried everything I know to get it to produce the desired results. Any ideas? =IFERROR(AVERAGEIFS('WORK ORDERS APPROVED DATA'!$N$7:$N$3500,'WORK ORDERS APPROVED DATA'!$G$7:$G$3500,P11,'WORK...
  18. D

    Calculated Average by Fee Level

    Hello - I'm trying to calculate a measure where I can see the average number of hours by fee level based on the 'individual'. As an example based on the data below, the average for Person A would be 4 within the 20K fee level. <colgroup><col><col><col span="5"></colgroup><tbody> Fee...
  19. P

    Averageif Too many arguments

    Hi all, I'm new to posting here an not much of a wizard with Excel formulas, so was hoping someone would be able to help please. I'm trying to calculate an average percentage from another workbook, for anything that's 8% or higher. Here is my formula =AVERAGEIF('[Sample...
  20. S

    Average if Error

    Hello, Why am i getting #DIV/0! ??? =AVERAGEIFS($C$3:$C$40929,$B$3:$B$40929,$E3,$D$3:$D$40929,F$2) <colgroup><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col></colgroup><tbody> 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date...

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