cell numbers

  1. J

    Need a Formula to check format of Specific data

    Conditional Formatting cells for text Hello,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I am new to this so i apologize if this is already posted... What i am looking to do is conditional format a column to look for several things. <o:p></o:p>...
  2. M

    Looking for someone to write macros for me

    I am building a data analysis company. My thrust at the moment is analysis of cell number and SMS messages. I plan to do the following with cell numbers: categorize according to source (e.g. radio programme); frequencies by date, month, day of the week and time; dedupe, analyse SMS messages and...
  3. H

    Cell reference: a cell picks up the location to go to from another cell

    Suppose I wish obtain a value from a cell, say AL4. At a later point, I wish it to refer to another number, say AL20. I specify these numbers in another cell, say BX5. In other words, the number after AL can vary, based on what I place into BX5. I'm inclined to write: =+AL(BX5), but this...

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