
  1. P

    VBA - Clear one cell if anotherone changes in the same row

    Hey everybody, The goal is to clear the cell in column G if I put an x in J. (I have another sheet where all workers are listed and it's supposed to show a worker as busy if he is mentioned in this sheet. Have problems with this one too, but thats for another day🥲) I've been working with the...
  2. I

    VBA code to Copy values to another workbook

    Hello guys, I'm new to VBA coding, so I used an AI to generate a code for me, but it didn't work as I intended. I have a workbook with dozens of worksheets, my idea was to put a button with this macro to copy the same cells range of the active worksheet and to paste this values as a new line...
  3. V

    vba for copy and paste data to above row

    We have the following data, and want to copy and paste as per result sheet, Data ABCDE2070986SHUTBJTNEFT10/30/21987453.0021FDSFJDSFLDSJFSDKLSDHFDSHFHASDFDSFDSFSDF1-Dec-211-Nov-2222TELDFDSFS23980874AHDFDFPUM11/1/2198765.0024DFSFD FDSFSDF 4335353535351-Dec-211-Nov-2225Email...
  4. P

    Combining two subs in one sheet - VBA

    Hello everybody, I'm new here and also fairly new to Excel VBA. My problem is that I have two subs 'combined' in one sheet, but only one works. The first part of the code enables me to select more than one worker in column G from a drop down list and is working just fine atm. The goal of the...
  5. F

    Help with this Code

    Hello All I created this code. evrithing seems fine but ALL THE TIME error 5 Sub Exportar_Imagenes() Dim img As Shape, tempChart As ChartObject Dim sPath As String, sName As String Dim imgEncontrada As Boolean ' Ruta donde se guardarán las imágenes sPath =...
  6. ibmy

    Excel file freezes and stop working, file size 1GB

    Hi, My Excel file freezes,stop working and took a very long time (15 minutes) to finish when apply the formula in G3 to the last row then loop next column. CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU1Point...
  7. V

    Print in label from excel - vba or any other opiton

    Hi, we want to print on label through excel, we have the following data which is not set for print label, how can we format the data and print on label (for example we have set the data in sheet2 we have the printing sheet (12 labels) A4ST12 100S (100X44.1)mm Data Sheet P CT...
  8. V

    row to column - vba or code or formula

    we have the following data and we have copy the sheet1!B2:C2 and pasted on Sheet2!B2 and transposed it, again we have copied the data from Sheet1!B3:D3 and again pasted on Sheet2!B3 we will copy the data and check last filled row in sheet2 and paste transposed data in sheet1 data may be long...
  9. V

    Split in row and auto insert row as per requirement

    Hi, we have the following sheet where we want to split in row wise instead of column wise, can we do this from macro or any formula, its a large database query sheet...
  10. V

    VBA code - copy, paste and delete on entire sheet

    help please, We have the following data where in data sheet we have multiple entry, we have also recored a macro and want to it will run in whole sheet, help please we are copying the data Sheet1!C3:C6 and pasting as transpose on Sheet1!C2 and after that copying the Sheet1!G6 to Sheet1!G2 and...
  11. V

    Excel VBA - formatting the bulk data

    Hi, we have the following sheet, where we have some data and want to format them in a fix problem is that, there is two type of questions, one have four option and other have some statement and after that option, please check and update Data ABC11Supreme Court of India ba2(A)Examine...
  12. S

    Need some help with a Macro

    Hi all, I am a completely new user to Excel Macros! I have sourced myself a code from this site, that goes a little something like: Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim LookupRange As Range Dim MoveToRange As Range Dim MoveDay As Long Dim ClearRow As Range Set LookupRange =...
  13. B

    VBA Code for comparing two sheets and copying non duplicates

    Hello All, I am having trouble, I hope you can help. I have tried a few different versions of code with no success. Example of what I require: Compare ("Sheet1") Range K4:K1000 with ("Sheet2") Range K4:K1000 and if there is a duplication, copy the "non-duplicates" from ("Sheet 1") Columns(B:O)...
  14. brendalpzm

    Fill a form with listbox and range infomation

    I will explain step by step so I can explain more clear I have this form The data is extracted from this range when I click in the list box value it shows the following form with the values filled but some values are not in the listbox, some of them are in the sheet range I'm using...
  15. L

    Button to import data from another workbook

    Hello helpful people! I am trying to import specific cell data from Workbook1 to Workbook2. This needs to be an on-demand action so a button would be best to simplify matters. The button should be on Workbook2 as Workbook1 will change every time. I have never written code nor even looked at...
  16. P

    Select First Cell In Range Relative To Last Cell In A Different Range

    Hi, Below are the requirements: 1. How do I select A4:A5 dynamically so that it'll take into consideration whenever a user deletes or adds a row? For example, if a user adds a row within that range, the code needs to recognize that and select appropriate range of cells. 2. Put the sum of the...
  17. P

    VBA inserting in wrong sheet

    Hey guys! I have been working on a project for a while to automate a task for my work. Final steps now, but for some reason my code is not working as it should, even if I try different versions. Sub InsertColumnsAndLabel() ' Select the "YT" sheet Sheets("YT").Select ' Insert 4...
  18. E

    Replace Subtotal to Sum Formula with VBA Code

    Hi everyone, Is there an excel VBA code that allow you to replace part of a formula after cells selection ? For example, after selecting multiple cells, select the code to replace SUBTOTAL(9, with SUM( Some formulas examples: =SUBTOTAL(9,EA10:EA12) change to =SUM(EA10:EA12)...
  19. Rob_010101

    VBA Code to auto sort specific cells

    Hi I can't XL2BB as my work won't allow it: I need a VBA code on workbook open to sort these three columns (not the total) by days lost > highest to smallest. A small caveat here is that the VBA will need to first unprotect the workbook (with password) before sorting the data and then...
  20. R

    VBA code for splitting table data into new workbooks

    Hi im looking for a vba code that will separate the client and applicant solicitors onto new workbook and save them atm i have to filter client sol copy and paste ona new sheet then filter app sol then copy paste that on a new sheet , i need all Test law to go onto a new workbook from applicant...

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