
  1. D

    Lookup value based on two column criteria

    i have been trying to solve the following issue: i have a very long column of values (in this case there are only two values = FY23, FY24, with FY23 always coming before FY24) and another column values (all zeroes except one value >0 in an FY23 row and one value >0 in an FY24 row) i want to...
  2. shift-del

    Merge columns dynamically

    Hello I want to select columns in the worksheet and then merge them in PQ. The first part is done. The second part drives me crazy. I searched the web and the best I could find was this: But it errors with: Expression.Error: Das Feld "NAME" des Datensatzes wurde nicht...
  3. T

    Range with Name Manager

    In VBA, I have a multi column range on one sheet (DocMgr!$Q$8:$V$27) where, on another sheet, I need to find the max value in the second column if the first columns meets a certain condition. The way I found to do this is to write an array formula to a cell and then get the resulting value like...
  4. D

    Hiding Columns based on a Date value being greater that todays date

    I have searched the forum and despite similar questions with similar VBA solutions all of them I have tried but none actually worked. I have a line of dates in a Leave sheet from cell b3 to ni3 which I wish to hide automatically. I would prefer not to have a cell with todays data in, but...
  5. H

    Group and UnGroup columns based on user input of a current date

    I have a spreadsheet that have pay period dates, that run from V5 to AT5. We have the past pay months within 1 month grouped together and the future months within 1 month grouped together. For instance this month is August, so all the columns with dates in July, August, and September are not...
  6. S

    Stacking Multiple Columns ignoring 0 and blanks

    Hi, I was looking at an old topic from 2014 and I am trying to extend an array formula to stack data from 9 columns ignoring 0 and blanks. My workings are in below screenshot; and sample data is as below; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR11700000002232563Entity 1Entity 2Entity 3Entity 4Entity 5Entity...
  7. D

    Stacking Columns in One Excel Sheet

    Hi, I want to stack columns B to F of the following Excel MiniSheet below column A: ABCDEF1aa1bb1cc1dd1ee1ff12aa2bb2cc2ee2ff23aa3bb3cc3ee3ff34aa4cc4ee4ff45aa5cc5ee5ff56aa6cc6ee6ff67aa7ee7ff78aa8ff89aa9ff910aa10ff1011aa1112aa1213aa13 This is only a small fraction of the Data. In the real...
  8. T

    VBA - Compare 2 columns for partial matches, and return only last 3 characters of matches

    Hi all, I’m trying to – Compare Column G from Workbook 1, starting from row 2, to only the first 10 characters in Column A, starting from row 9, from Workbook 2 for matching values If there are matching values, copy only the last 3 characters in Column A from Workbook 2 to Column F from...
  9. K

    Data formatting Question

    Hi all! I am using a data scraper to pull info from the web and an struggling to transform it in a way that's easily read. Right now the csv file comes out like this: Title - data Title - data Title - data And then it repeats in blocks like that. What I want is to move the titles into the...
  10. J

    Listbox - defining columns

    I have this listbox to pull the information and filter it. However, I put information from 3 columns starting with column B, and defined that it would pull through the offset the information of a column before and a column after. It's working... but I'd like to filter the information from...
  11. I

    VBA Code - Multiple Hyperlinks to Hidden Sheets and External Items (Error 5)

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet that has hyperlinks in column A and column H. The hyperlinks in column A directs you to a website outside of the workbook. But, the columns in H direct to hidden sheets within the workbook. In addition, each of the hidden sheets are coded with the following script so...
  12. E

    Excel VBA Based on filter value, only show columns ...

    Hi all, Currently I am looking for a clever way to hide columns based on a value in column E from the below example. I have already looked for some ideas but can't find the exact one I am looking for. As you can see, the following sheet contains a lot of columns, the user is overloaded with...
  13. E

    Convert Columns Data to Rows Data

    Hi everyone! I have a spreadsheet to convert the (attached picture) in green to rows in yellow. Is there possible formula or code to create the remining data from rows 7 thru 24 to columns L thru V) ? Here is steps example for manual input (to convert green row 2 into yellow rows 2, 3 and 4)...
  14. R

    Store matching values in an array with VBA

    Hello, Column A is filled with string values. Column B is sometimes filled with the value "x". I would like to write VBA code that returns all the string values from column A into an array if they match the "x" value from column B. Anyone knows how to do this? Thanks
  15. U

    HELP how to stack multiple columns into one column. Using (formula or vba code)

    Hi masters, Can anyone help me with a formula for stacking multiple columns data into one column. wherein it copies per column not per row. sample here: I hope anyone has an idea using excel 2016 here..please help me
  16. M

    Range.Find Result Changing Irrationally After Inserting Columns and Naming Cells

    Dim rngY As Range Set rngY = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:MA1").Find("Main Image", lookat:=xlPart) Dim rngcol2 As Integer rngcol2 = rngY.Column Columns(rngcol2).Insert rngY.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Images" rngY.Offset(1, -1).Value = "images" Dim lr As Long lr =...
  17. F

    Tricky VBA Loop Through Excel Table Range and Change Total Column Formula

    All, I have a tricky VBA Code Scenario. I'm trying to define a table range then loop through all columns in said table range and change the formula in the total row of the table. The Tricky Part is my Table Self Updates so the number of columns and the label of the columns change depending...
  18. R

    Creating a variable list of columns and ranges to copy to another sheet based off values in cells

    I've got an inputs tab and 3 other worksheets in one wkbk. On my inputs tab, i've got cells I2:I14 that have column letters in it (A, AB, N, E, etc.) - these can be changed so they are variable. They correspond to the other worksheets within the wkbk. So 13 cells of columns to ID while...
  19. V

    Can u Explain Powerbi rest api AddRows?

    Hi, I'm taking a shot at a real-time dashboard that I can use the PowerB REST API for. My inquiry is how the refresh of the columns works. I have 1300 records stacked once and then 2 sections per column need to be refreshed at regular intervals. The main rest call I see is adding rows, but...
  20. lj97

    VBA - Combine multiple columns into single column

    G'day 😃 I am needing to combine data from multiple columns into a single column. The column name/header is in cell A1. All data present needs to be in Column A. I am needing each cell to only include one fruit name. The data set is dynamic and changes regularly (i.e. sometimes there are...

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