comparing text

  1. S

    IF statement is not working while comparing Text

    Hi, here is the problem. In following table at the place of "Angle" I fetch data using following formula. =IF(A2 = "<<<","Ingress",LEFT(A2, SEARCH(" ",A2,1))) <tbody> Description Angle Aspect Dg <<< Ingress Trine Venus Trine </tbody> Now at "Aspect Dg" I tried using following formula...
  2. R

    Comparing Textual Data producing numerical information

    Hi all OK I am tracking Students BTEC grades (a UK course) and am going round and round in circles The Data Range is the same in both columns A&B. This is arrayed order below Dist* Dist Merit Pass Fail Column A is students Targeted Grade and column B is Students current Progress I want to...

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