
  1. I

    Formula to count consecutive zeros at the end of a row

    I have a report that shows how many views datasets have each week. For each row I wish to calculate 2 values: - Total Zero = The number of weeks with zero views after the data has been viewed in a prior week - Consecutive Zero = The number of consecutive weeks with zero views, where the most...
  2. ukbulldog001

    Macro to count hyphenated range

    Dear MrExcelites, Need your help in modifying below macro to count hyphenated range as below. Sub ConcatenateRefDesignator() Dim a, w Dim i& a = Cells(2, 1).CurrentRegion With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For i = 2 To UBound(a) If Not...
  3. ibmy

    Count How Many Set Ranges Meet Condition in Above Current Row

    Hi, CDEFG1Var AVar Bexpected result...
  4. B

    Count common value

    I have a list of people and a list of team number. Every person is attached to one singe team but its name appear several times (I made a simple table). I would like to know how many people there are in a team (3 in team 1 and 1 in team 2 in my example). I know it's not a big deal but I can't...
  5. ibmy

    Count Distinct Value In Row Range

    Hi, Sample of 100+k rows: FGHI1Bexpected result...
  6. A

    Formula Help Needed for Looking at 2 Columns of Data

    Good Morning, I am looking for some assistance with coming up with a formula. Using my attached image you will see in column G there are Hold Reasons and in Column H there are Root Causes. I need a formula that can be used in a new column that shows a count of the different combinations...
  7. J

    Getting the count or # of occurrences of a value, but counting up to it

    Hi guys, I need help in trying to get a "rank" of text. Let me explain. I have a spreadsheet where column A has repeating values, while column B shows the rank/count of these values. I have attached a screenshot of a simple example. The letter A shows up a total of 3 times, and column B is...
  8. B

    Calculating Teaching Period per Instructor

    Good afternoon, I am after a formula that will count how many teaching period each instructor will be teaching during a course. As some lessons are over 1 period long I can't just use a simple COUNT formula. Is there a way of creating a formula or array that will do this? Many thanks in advance.
  9. M

    Count the Number of Sick Occasions in Dax - Calculated Column - PowerBI

    Hi All, I was wondering if anyone know how to count the number of Sick Occasions in Dax? i know how in Excel but dax is a completely different beast. Looking at the example i have posted. I want it to show 0 if they were not absent. Then increment once they become absent. But then they return...
  10. mohsinbipu

    Count the occurrence with the array formula

    Hello Excel lovers, For a better understanding, please find the picture. Here, my input Column is I, J, K My output column is the P column (I want to get the Xlookup result for nth number.) To count the number of occurrences, I add a helper column L I don't want to add this helper column. I...
  11. S

    Count across a data set or index

    Hi, I need a count formula that counts names across multiple columns. I need to know how many people attended Philadephia. The answer is 5. Then pull the formal down to know how many attended Orlando = 6. please note the blank cells are blank b/c there is a formula iferror return "" A1 first...
  12. M

    Count non-formula cells in range???

    Good evening fellow excelers, Is there a way to write an XL formula that will count non-formulas in a range? I know this is gotta be simple to do, but I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around how to do it after about half an hour to an hour of trying. Thanks for any consideration to this...
  13. C

    Store Value and Shift down cell value

    Hey guys, I'm writing a code to count and store values to reference how often something is referenced in a class. I'm trying to write a code that counts with one button (this is complete) and stores historical values in another column. This is where I'm having issues. My counter is set in B2...
  14. V

    count based on data from another sheet

    Hi all, I've been struggling with a formula for GSheets. I have the data in another sheet and I want to count how many time does a name appear during 7 columns. Any help is greatly appreciated,
  15. P

    Count distinct if lot of condition

    Hi, please could you help me? It is difficult to explain, but I will try. I want to count distinct of Tests in my Excel table. For example for Test_1 I want to count all Tests, but only that kind of tests which have at least 1 Cond, which is in the same Cond as Test1. Result is 8 because...
  16. A

    Consecutive week count with multiple conditions

    Hi, I am after some help to count the number of consecutive weeks an individual has been paid. Difficulties with the data set are the duplicates values. I have explored and trialled countifs but haven't been able to incorporate the portion around a consecutive count. I've included an example...
  17. ibmy

    offset the formula,1 cell below to start calculation

    Hi Experts, I been thinking and try change current formula but not succesful to meet my need. Current Formula : Start from currrent cell GIJ1datatotalCount230.63240.150.860.3J3J3=IF(I3="","",COUNTIF(INDEX(G:G,ROW()+I3-1):G3,">0.5")) The best solution I have tried so far : but the result...
  18. ibmy

    SUM/COUNT of Value 1 at the Start of Set

    Hi Experts, How to get result in Column L (Start) ? GIL1DataEndStart2315415161715891111011121213121415161111718191220122122132312413252627 For Column I ( End) , I use this code : Sub End2() Dim a As Variant, b As Variant Dim i As Long, k As Long a = Range("G2", Range("G" &...
  19. IIII

    Find Saturdays that are within a set of dates

    Hi All, I currently have a function that identifies which dates between two dates are Saturdays. What I also need to know though, is how to work out if any of those Saturdays appear in a list of specified dates e.g. Leave//Holidays list of dates. So the below example shows what I'm trying to...
  20. J

    How to Count entries with date range across multiple tables and worksheets?

    Worksheet 'Dashboard' has a weekly breakdown for production numbers. I have tried multiple ways and continue to get formula errors. I need to count the number of entries in multiple other worksheets as follows: Worksheet: DG_Procedures has table DG_Table with column Date Submitted to QC. I...

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