double click cell editing

  1. B

    VBA Have cell color change when adding/removing check mark

    I'm trying to combine code that will add/remove a check mark and change the color to yellow when the check mark is added and change it to no fill when removed. I know virtually nothing about VBA code though. I have this code that adds/removes the checkmark fine: Private Sub...
  2. U

    How can I define a range to detect a Double Click?

    I have used this subroutine to define an entire worksheet several times. Private Sub worksheet_beforedoubleclick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) But I would like to be more surgical and specify specific cells. I need to detect a double click F2, F4, F6, F8 and F10, each of these...
  3. D

    Need the Uncoloured Cells after double click to be listed in Sheet 2

    After doing the following to make cells coloured after double clicking them: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then ' Then change the background color to red Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 8...
  4. ourfear

    So Easy, Yet i cant figure it out....!

    Bacically i want to write a Macro that will select each cell one at a time and double click it!! I think it's supposed to look similar to this: Sub CleanUp() Dim TheCell As Range For Each TheCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange With TheCell ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "" End With Next...
  5. P

    Cell editing

    Working in Excel 2007. Switched from XP to Vista (not sure if that matters). For some reason, I can no longer edit the contents of a cell by double-clicking. I have to edit in the toolbar. Is there a way to enable/disable the double-click editing function?

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