duplicate rows

  1. MossyPants

    VBA - highlighting rows with duplicate values

    I have a table where I would like rows to get highlighted if data in columns B:H is duplicated. ABCDEF1ConditionTreatmentDoseLot numberDate2AsweetnoneAbc10-Jan3Bsweet10Abc10-Jan4Csour0Abc11-Jan5DsourAbc11-Jan6EsourAbc12-Jan7Fsweet10Abc10-Jan8 This the code I have so far: Private Sub...
  2. S

    Duplicate Rows based off list

    I have a list where i have a specific number of rows needed for each object ID. However i cant for the life of me think of a quick way to do it. I know there is a way to do it by transforming but keep running into issues Table below. Small example below but this goes to 7000 object IDs. The...
  3. K

    How to exclude duplicate rows when summing values in columns

    Hi guys. I opened a thread yesterday about the same problem, but I couldn't fully integrate the solutions people gave me in my own project. The chart below is a part of a course programme that has these elements: 1. In column A are the initials of four teachers. 2. Column B are the subjects...
  4. C

    Power BI - Duplicate rows and re-label with unique identifier

    Hi there, I am struggling with a data issue and want to find a way to clean up using Power BI. My data looks like this: ID Number # of Products Classification 12345 1 Tools 12346 2 Manufacturing 12347 1 Hardware You'll notice that the ID number 12346 has 2 in the second column. My...
  5. F

    Check Multiple Columns For Condition And Duplicate Rows

    Hi All, I am very new to Power BI and need help in following... I am running a query based on answer in this thread to copy rows based on a condition... let CN = [#"Column4"] in if Text.Length(CN)=11 and Value.Is(Text.Start(CN,4),type text) and...
  6. K

    Transpose Only Specific Columns & Eliminate Duplicates

    I receive up to 25,000 rows of customer data per day and need help figuring out how to transpose some rows to columns and eliminate duplicates. I want to transpose columns G & H based on the identifier in column A. then eliminate blank rows if possible. I included 2 screenshots for reference.
  7. S

    Multiple Duplicate Rows to Single unique Row (Combine multiple duplicate rows to one)

    Hi, I have a sheet with the data like below, can some one help me with a formula or something else to get the expected output? In my sheet i have a row with the same data multiple times, i need only one row with the same data and wanted to eliminate all duplicate rows and need same rule for...
  8. B

    Problem with merging cells into master in Power Query

    So I have a file that I have been working with. I append to files together, no problem, 85,000 rows. Then I go back into the query and merge a file in, essentially a vLookup on country codes into country names, no problem, still 85,000 rows. Then I go and do another merge, another vLookup...
  9. M

    VBA loop to duplicate rows based number of days per month

    Hi guys I need your help guys to write VBA code to duplicate rows based on number of days per months I have monthly order number but it is not comparable to daily actuals, what I need is to populate the table into daily file based on number days per month. e.g. I need 31 rows for first data...
  10. K

    adding new rows based on column value

    hi there well yesterday i had add power query for my Microsoft excel 2010, so i am really new to this. so my question is that power query can add columns, but no rows? unless if we add column then we pivot it, but even adding columns has to be manual, i mean i dont know yet how to make an...
  11. J

    Make this Macro Work with more rows?

    I have created a macro that works, but it only works with my specific example data. If there are more or less rows, or different data in the cells, it will not work because it is not written dynamically. I lack the skillset to make it dynamic also :) Link Example data containing Macro...
  12. J

    Request for Help with Macro for Contact Merger

    To whom it may concern, Hello, my name is Jake, and today I'm working with a contact spreadsheet that is beyond my current skill set. I'm looking for help in writing a macro (I think that's what's needed). The command set is as follows: Look at columns A, B, C, D, & E (Sheet1) and determine...
  13. L

    Highlighting Rows with Unique Value within Duplicate Data

    Hi, I have a set of data and I need to be able to find a formula that looks at the prior rows and the highlight any changes. For example, Row 3, 5, and 6 will be highlighted here. I tried using a helper formula to concatenate the columns and then a conditional formatting with a countifs > 1...
  14. A

    Adding column cells in duplicate rows

    Hi, I want to add the cells the in each column of the duplicate rows and make it only one row. A 1 2 3 A 2 4 5 Result: A 3 6 8 I found this while searching but it gives a different result but the concept looks the same. Thank You <code class="vb keyword" style="white-space: nowrap; padding...
  15. PritishS

    Search duplicate rows based on 3 columns in all worksheets and update

    Dear Sir/Madam, Hope you are doing well! I'm stuck with a new kind a problem. Details: I have a worksheet name 'MAT', which is basically a bill of material having columns 'Description', 'Make', 'CatNo' and 'Price'. Description make CatNo Price Pencil1 ABC PEN1 100 Pencil2...
  16. R

    How to duplicate a cell based on number of adjacent row values

    Hi All, May i know how could i achieve below task : I have a below excel with data as follows : <tbody> ID Resource ABC Employee XYZ Customer Agent </tbody> Depending up the number of resources assigned to the ID in the adjacent row, the ID should get duplicated N times as below...
  17. T

    Using VLOOKUP in an If statement, but getting 0 as the answer?

    So I have a bunch of duplicates and uniques. I've marked all duplicates with numbers ranging from 1-10 depending on how many duplicates there are. After this, on a different sheet to confirm which quantities are unique and which have duplicates I put...
  18. E

    Compare rows in a table and apply format to duplicates

    Hi All, I got a table and want to compare all rows among themselves. If any 2 or more rows contain same values on 7 of their columns then the second (and all subsequent) duplicates are to be formatted. I wrote the following code but it does not work well.... 1. it only works when there are not...
  19. M

    Is it possible to delete all BUT duplicate rows?

    I'm trying to find a way to delete all BUT the repeated rows in a file, I know it's possible to delete the duplicates on a file in PHPExcel that would be done something like this: <code style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; font-family: Consolas, Menlo...
  20. P

    Start my Macro at the last row of non duplicate data

    Hello, I have a vba script that copies entire rows that contain certain words from sheets(1) and paste the rows onto sheets(2). Nothing is ever deleted on either sheets so both sheets are updated at the end of the last row. Being that sheets(1) is the main sheet manually updated on a daily...

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