
  1. tabbytomo

    Sum cells with numbers and text

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a shift planner that will include cells with numbers and text. I want to sum the numbers of these cells that have numbers and text. My shift patterns will follow a strict criteria. Where X is a number: Example 1: X Standard Example 2: X Standard X Lower Example 3: X...
  2. Sumeluar

    Input box with selected text from cell

    Hello excel experts, I need your help with the following: I have a range named "Database" with about 5000 entries and growing, on the same worksheet I have a small calendar that populates tasks according to the current month and date from the database, this calendar places items for each date...
  3. M

    Find Function VBA Named Argument Not Found-Runtime error 448

    I am writing a macro( late binding) that runs through a word document and highlight all the values that is contained in my cell range in Excel. I have used the find function which works fine until I add the argument IgnoreSpace:= True, which I don't understand why it's resulting in error...
  4. T

    Making the contents of the active cell the search term, and search using that term, copy paste row, next

    I have a large Excel data base of bacteria Genus'and i need to match the name in one worksheet, to another worksheet, copy that whole row, and paste into another worsksheet. Example... I have 3 worksheets A, B, C Worksheet A has 1000's of rows of names and many columns of data to each row...
  5. Z

    Lookup using Find in lookup value

    As an example see the 2 sample sheets below. They are silly examples but this is similar to what I need to accomplish. I have a value that is text in an activities column and if there is any match in the text to a lookup value, in the lookup table, then it should return it's corresponding value...
  6. G

    How to change Spreadsheet search (find) results cell border colour ?

    How to change Spreadsheet search (find) results cell border colour ? Seems so easy, but just cannot find anywhere that shows you. Excel 365 currently shows dark green, but with my eyes and screen colours, it looks very similar to the black of the grid lines.
  7. D

    Split and search for values in cell

    Good Morning I wondering if its possible to create a formula that would split a cell by a comma and keep only the values that start with "TV -". Keep only unique values Take the data and insert a line feed between each grouped value before saving it to the column as shown in the...
  8. skyh3ck

    1st match column header, 2nd lookup a value in same column, 3rd return corresponding value from the very first column ?? need help

    Hello guys i have a data base where i want to first find the column header, 2nd in same column find a certain date, and 3rd return correponding date from same row 1st column. So i have prepared one sample excel file Sheet one - Calc - where user can enter the class and dates Sheet two - Log...
  9. nburaq

    Find a word combination of letters and numbers

    Hi, I have a data set of descriptions and I need to find words in descriptions combined with numbers and letters. As an example cell A2 includes a sentence "Repair A4040D" so cell B2 should include information "A4040D". The equipment number is combination of letters and numbers max of 6...
  10. P

    VBA Find first empty cell in row

    I am trying to find the first empty cell in a row using FIND or MATCH, preferably MATCH. Below are the various ways I have attempted to write the code. in most of the examples I have tried either "" or " " to search. Also with using Find I have tried the search direction of xlprevious and...
  11. S

    Find list of words in range for array formula

    I have a spreadsheet that I am trying to populate by using an array formula. Right now, I have a formula that looks in a range and identifies if the word "Spouse" is within it. However, I would like to update the formula to search for "Spouse" & "Ex-Spouse" within the same range, but my current...
  12. S

    Formula to find words from a list in cell

    I have a list of words in a range and I would like to create a formula to see if those words are within a cell value. Rather than the formula saying TRUE or FALSE, I would like the formula to provide the actual word that it found OR a numeric value for where that words position is in the list...
  13. T

    Excel Find not finding text by row

    If I search for this text "GEN2-08C" within workbook and by row using find all, it's not finding the same string on the next tab. They are both text and not a formula. If I only change the search by to columns it then finds both. I have always had issues with the Excel Find tool. Most times...
  14. B

    Find missing values in two lists

    Hi all, This should be a simple problem but I seem unable to sort it: I have a list of numerical and word product codes in B44:B60, e.g HJK/5566712/19 A macro button on each row can copy the data from B44 over to H44 when sent to another department. Hitting the button again undoes the...
  15. K

    Finding x, and copying a different value on same row

    Hello, I'm struggeling a bit to figure out how to solve this issue. I'm trying to compare two data-sets in two different workbooks, where Everything is linked up to an "ID" in column A in "ws" and Column F in "wb1". I want to check if the value in ws column 4 is the same as the same type of...
  16. J

    Combing FIND and RIGHT functions I think

    I have a sample below. I have a string of text and what I'm after is to return the value "H" for the 1st entry below, but, ignoring the first 3 characters and for the 2nd entry return that value of "T",ignoring the 1st 3 characters. I've tried combing the FIND and RIGHT functions without...
  17. A

    Missing Data Dashboard

    Hi i have monthly exercises in my work to find the missing data in two sheets (sheet A and sheet B) and categorize them (for example Hotel, Restaurant, Offices) i want to create an Excel file to find the missing data between two sheets and the result should show the missing in each sheet and...
  18. A

    How to

    Hi i have monthly exercises in my work to find the missing data in two sheets (sheet A and sheet B) and categorize them (for example Hotel, Restaurant, Offices) i want to create an Excel file to find the missing data between two sheets and the result should be showing the missing in each sheet...
  19. G

    How to make Array work with header name having 3 words

    I need to find certain columns based on header name in 1 sheet and copy them to another. My code works for "Task Type" and "User". However it does not copy the other columns. I tried using 2 words and it worked. For ex. Instead of "User Email Address", I changed the column header and array to...
  20. J

    Comma Separated Array List

    I've just hit a wall here and my brain refuses to bring this information up. I have a cell with a series of room names in it, separated by commas: Master Bedroom, Master Bathroom, Laundry Room, Stairs, etc. Call this A1 In "D1" I'd like to place a formula that will take those room names and...

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