
  1. F

    Master Convert from Fractional Feet and Inches to Decimal

    Hey Team, I know this topic has been covered a lot but I have yet to find a signal formula to handle all of the possible situations. I am trying to convert fraction feet and inches to decimal feet (Or inches whatever is easier). The possible situations include Inches with fractions B3, whole...
  2. Y

    Need formula to match

    Hi, I'll try to explain this as best I can... I can't share the sheet as it contains sensitive information. I have a table with over a thousand rows full of text, and I am interested in analyzing it based on the final 3 columns. All cells in those columns contain one word. There are only 4...
  3. C

    Formula not working to show total sales per day, #VALUE! Can't find the issue (Ignore Conditionals) I3 works fine, J3&J4 are what I have tried.

    BCDEFGHIJ2DateJob ReferenceInitial Quote TotalW/LFinal Invoice Total# of Leads per dateSales Per...
  4. S

    Automatically change colour of column underneath given text

    Hi, I would like to make every column under "Sat" and "Sun" to appear as grey (for sake of argument call it Hex #D9D9D9). How would I go about this? Thanks.
  5. E

    Splitting semi-colon delineated integers across an array into a single column

    Hello. I have data in a large array that I'd like to be extracted into a single column, with each unique value having its own cell. All of the data are 8-digit integers that appear throughout multiple columns and rows. Some of the cells contain multiple 8-digit integers, which are delineated by...
  6. C

    Conditional formatting using formula to always round up a number

    I have a column of Currency values, but I want the values to always round up to the next whole number. I don't want to have to enter a formula for each cell, since it is meant to be a quick entry. Example of what is entered into a cell What I would like to see visible 10.10 $11 10.21 $11...
  7. R

    Sorting Table + Column

    not sure if this has been asked before but running into a slight issue- I have a data set this data set does connect to a live report. i need to be able to sort on different things such as date of inquirty or ttracking number or date sent or other things- when i sort by tracking number or...
  8. E

    Formula for extracting multiple occurrences of text substring in a cell

    Hi! I am trying to write a formula that will allow me to extract multiple strings of numbers from one cell to another, while filtering out all other irrelevant text from the source cell. For example (see attached photo), I want to be able to extract multiple 8-digit numbers, separated into the...
  9. A

    Counting cells with specific text within two dates

    Hi All - New here so please bare with me. I would like to count the number of times a cell containing "PB" would appear for a set individual between two dates. For example in Image attached: 1. Count cells containing "PB" in the Row labelled "J D" between the dates 2/1/24 (DD/MM/YY) and...
  10. B

    VLOOKUP issue with wildcard parameter for partial matches in number/letter combinations

    Hello, so I'm using Microsoft Excel on Office 365 and I'm using the VLOOKUP function and having some issues. Here is the current state of my formula I'm trying to troubleshoot: =VLOOKUP(C3&"*",A:B,2,FALSE) Column A is filled with identification keys composed of letters and numbers while column...
  11. A

    VBA How to auto populate number randomly with criteria that each person must be picked once

    Hi , I Am currently creating an Audit Tool for Excel. I have create a VBA where the function will calculate the total number based on each name and its respective class from a raw data in Tab "Raw Data" and populate them into Table Below .However , To do the audit , i would ask the auditor to...
  12. Eawyne

    Custom Search bar - Partial & Exact match

    Hiyall, I've been trying to create a custom search bar and this video explaining it rather well. However, when it comes to the partial research, it appears that my version of Excel doesn't understand the [FIRST] variable (it's a Pro version 2021 - I thought it was enough, but maybe it needs...
  13. D

    Summing all previous numbers with criteria

    Hi again, Looking to sum all previous numbers based on criteria. Need output to be a horizontal spilled range.. Example below. I have a formula but it uses the "OFFSET" function and I need to do this without volatile functions in Excel. Thanks in advance! Ex 2024-11-18 2024-05-12...
  14. W

    Employees per hour calculations

    I’m trying to count employees per hour but the problem I have is that we have people clocking in and staying past 12AM. Current Formula: =sum(((A2>=$B$2:$B$32)*(A2<=$C$2:$C$32))) A2 is the time of day so 12am,A3 is 1am so on and so forth B column is the start times of the employee and C...
  15. I

    Excel/Google Sheet Formula to extract client with unassigned Photographer

    I have a Google Sheet where I can easily see which photographer is working on a specific day, at a specific time, hotel, and who the client is. However, the problem arises when a new lead comes in, as the data does not appear in the FG View that I have created. Can you help us solve this issue...
  16. S

    Bug? Inserting Row (Keyboard Shortcut) doesn't add a row but instead moves all my formulas down one cell

    Hi all, I've only recently gotten this weird behavior out of Excel so I'm not sure what's going on. I press Ctrl+Shift+Plus and a row does not get inserted but all the formulas in the cells below the section I'm supposed to be inserting get stepped down by 1 cell. For example, if a cell below...
  17. M

    How to get multiple outputs from XLOOKUP?

    This is a simplified version of what I need to do; to summarize the situation: - I have a table with many columns (only 3 are relevant for now) - Some of the rows may contain identical data in these columns (ex. the duplicate Shirt-Red-A) - I need a single cell to contain the "Brands" that have...
  18. tabbytomo

    Sum cells with numbers and text

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a shift planner that will include cells with numbers and text. I want to sum the numbers of these cells that have numbers and text. My shift patterns will follow a strict criteria. Where X is a number: Example 1: X Standard Example 2: X Standard X Lower Example 3: X...
  19. X

    Data validation formula to change cell colour based on percentage of value in the above cell

    I'm trying to create data validation rule that will change cell color depenidng on percentage of the value from the cell above e.g. G7/G6>0.8 change cell color to green, G7/G6>0.5 red etc. How do I create a formule in data validation that will apply this rule to all selected cells without...
  20. F

    Formula to show in 4 columns the letters from one column with condition

    I have a input table like this A1:C21. I'm trying to show (in 4 columns array) the "Letters" that meet the condition in J2 and K2. In this example I'm getting the letters for which Col_A = 1 and Col_B = "MM". Below I'm showing the current output using a formula in E2 (borrowed from here), but...

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