
  1. Jyggalag

    Help me expand my formula please :(

    Hi all, I have this formula: Formula: =IF(J4=""; IF(I4>P4; "G4 grant bigger than Total grant (IA) by " & TEXT(ROUND(I4-P4; 2); "0.00") & " DKK"; ""); IF(J4>P4; "G5 grant bigger than Total grant (IA) by " & TEXT(ROUND(J4-P4; 2); "0.00") & " DKK"; "")) I want to expand it, so that it looks my...
  2. I

    Enhancing Search Functionality in Excel Database

    My name is IMaadh, I’ve created an Excel sheet that functions as a searchable database. Currently, I can search for any single entry within the table, but I want to enhance it to search for details in two cells simultaneously. Example: Table headings: Staff Number, Username, Location...
  3. A

    Is there a way to speed this up?

    I made a short macro with the recorder (and a little editing) to just cut and paste cells from a the worksheet. The basic setup is that I copied the data from a website and it is has multiple rows of data for each entry that can really be on a single line. The pasted data looks like this. In...
  4. R

    Sorting Table + Column

    not sure if this has been asked before but running into a slight issue- I have a data set this data set does connect to a live report. i need to be able to sort on different things such as date of inquirty or ttracking number or date sent or other things- when i sort by tracking number or...
  5. A

    Counting cells with specific text within two dates

    Hi All - New here so please bare with me. I would like to count the number of times a cell containing "PB" would appear for a set individual between two dates. For example in Image attached: 1. Count cells containing "PB" in the Row labelled "J D" between the dates 2/1/24 (DD/MM/YY) and...
  6. B

    VLOOKUP issue with wildcard parameter for partial matches in number/letter combinations

    Hello, so I'm using Microsoft Excel on Office 365 and I'm using the VLOOKUP function and having some issues. Here is the current state of my formula I'm trying to troubleshoot: =VLOOKUP(C3&"*",A:B,2,FALSE) Column A is filled with identification keys composed of letters and numbers while column...
  7. W

    Employees per hour calculations

    I’m trying to count employees per hour but the problem I have is that we have people clocking in and staying past 12AM. Current Formula: =sum(((A2>=$B$2:$B$32)*(A2<=$C$2:$C$32))) A2 is the time of day so 12am,A3 is 1am so on and so forth B column is the start times of the employee and C...
  8. J

    Simple(?) issue with using =DATE and =SUM

    For work, I'm creating a schedule that has automatically updating dates. In the first relevant date hex I've inputted '=DATE(year;month;day), which by itself works fine. Now, this afternoon I saved the excel file with the other cells referring to one another (and to the original) with the...
  9. D

    What is the best approach?

    I have a large dataset (c.75,000 rows) and I'm interested in the data from three columns. 1. Reference Number 2. Person 3. Value I want a formula to show to me who spent what on each job and return information the below Ref Reference Number Person Value 1234 Joe Bloggs 10 1234 Blog...
  10. P

    Moving rows to different sheets based on drop down.

    Hello! Thank you in advance for visiting my post. I understand there have been a couple posts here already that ask for help regarding VBA code and moving data from one sheet to another based on a drop-down value, I appreciate your help nonetheless. ---------- We are approaching territory...
  11. Rob_010101

    Mail Merge Macro - Saves to PDF/Word

    Hello I use a macro to save mail merged documents into word and PDF files; very handy. I must select all the rows above the row I need in the recipient list for it to work. If I only ticked "Sam" and left "Connor" and "Vincent" unticked, the macro will produce a "runtime error 5631" on...
  12. S

    creating a summary table

    hey guys i would like to create a summary of the table into the table below in which when data is entered in the general table the summary table will only show the which have defects such as the poles that are rotten will show up in the table below , also the the pole number from the above...
  13. Rob_010101

    Simple VBA Code help

    Hello, My excel is a master document that pulls in data from different excel sheets in different departments, each of which are all updated daily. I need to save the "master" excel once a week into a different excel with all the values pasted. This creates a weekly snapshot of the data as it is...
  14. I

    Move multiple rows from one table to another using conditional trigger

    Hello, Here is the issue I am having, I built a workbook containing several tables, each table on their own sheet. The purpose of the workbook is too assist with tracking of patient lines. How the table functions is that when a new line is placed on a patient, a staff member will add that...
  15. G

    Feet Inches Sixteenths Number Format

    I have started a new job in the construction industry and want to continue to be able to use excel in my day to day work as its a very powerful tool that I'm already familiar with. However I've run into a problem in that my firm use the FIS dimension formatting for everything. For those not...
  16. Rob_010101

    AutoFit Row Height not working

    Hello, my UNIQUE, FILTER formula is pulling through results but autofit row height is refusing to work. I have selected all cells and used autofit row height and applied wrap text but it is not working. I have to re-select and apply these every time the formula pulls through a new result...
  17. Rob_010101

    Annual appraisal score formula

    Hello, The below sheet calculates the figures based on number of objectives set and how many of these objectives have received 'needs development', 'meets expectations' and 'exceeds expectations' criterion. I need to be able to calculate an overall status in A8, based on the following...
  18. S

    Text file creation macro

    HI there. I'm trying to: Copy a range and paste it into another sheet (could I create one on the fly?) Then create a temporary workbook to copy the same information (could I eliminate the step above instead?) Then save the new file as a .txt file on the desktop with a specific name I'd like to...
  19. K

    Looking to find the correct formulas / Open to Ideas

    Hi all, I am trying to build a part number generator based on certain characteristics of what's required, and I am not even remotely sure how to achieve this. My excel skills are definitely not this advanced! Any help here would be really appreciated! I will upload pictures I am working on...
  20. C

    Need help with a formula and not sure if its even possible

    I have one sheet called "data dump" and one sheet called "pulls" in the "data dump" sheet i have three columns. One has a name, one has quantity, and one has price. I am trying to find a way to take the rows from data dump to pulls based on a keyword. AKA: If column A has word Corrupted in...

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