insert copied cells

  1. K

    Insert Copied Cells every time a value shows

    Hi guys, Is there a VBA code that someone can help me with, What I am trying to achieve is insert a row of copied cells to another row that has a value of "here" A4 is the row I want to copy. So along Column B each cell has the formula ; =IF(C5=C4,"","HERE") And the value returns as HERE at...
  2. D

    VB code to insert copied rows by the value in a cell

    hi there I am trying to create a vba worksheet change code to do the following: Once a cell Sheet1(a1) is populated with a quantity (drop down list 1-10), rows 1-3 on sheet 2 are to be copied and inserted on Sheet1 row 2 repeated by the cell value. When a cell Sheet1(b1) is populated with a...
  3. M

    Insert copied row at end of specific table, then copy entire table

    I'll try to explain my scenario... I'm trying to make a guest list for parties, and I want to have these guest lists on a single worksheet. I want to have 2 macros that do 2 things: 1) Prompts to ask how many guests (and then copies the 4th row of the list (row 5) and pastes x times before the...
  4. K

    Insert copied rows into defined intervals macro

    I am having an issue writing a macro that will copy 3 rows of data and insert it into another column, every 10 rows starting with row 9. Ex: Copy rows 2-4 on Sheet 2 and insert into Sheet 1, row 9. Then copy rows 5-7 on Sheet 2 and insert into Sheet 1, row 19. Etc… I hope this makes sense...
  5. P

    Macro to create an "expanding table"

    So I have recorded a macro that filters for certain criteria in a master list of projects, then copies the projects that meets this criteria and pastes it into a timeline in another worksheet. However, because the list of projects gets bigger and smaller when the filter criteria changes, right...
  6. C

    Insert worksheet range every time cell value changes

    Hi all, I have a worksheet with Columns A:U. For these columns I have thousands of rows of data. I want to insert a copied range from another worksheet every time the value in Column E changes. Column E is a station ID and doesn't repeat on a fixed increment. Col E 10714 10714 10714 11523...
  7. E

    "insert cut or copied cells" function doesn't work

    In only one of my excel 2010 workbooks, "insert cut or copied cells" function doesn't work. Although I have been working with this workbook for along time, I have been faced this problem within last few days. If I insert a blank row and copy another row into this new row there is no problem...
  8. L

    Tough one: office 2008 MAC

    Dear all, I have an issue that I cannot use Macros for, because we have office 2008 for mac and won't be switching to 2011 anytime soon. In our timesheets, we have a row for each differnt project/category and a sum for the row at the end. Problem is this: I want everyone to be able to insert...
  9. D

    Insert Copied Cells - but Values only

    I am trying to create a macro in Excel using the 'Insert Copied Cells' function. However when I do this, it copies everything from the source cells (formats, values, formulas) etc. All I want it to copy/insert is the Values only from the source cells. In other words I want a combination of...

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