macro - help

  1. B

    Ideas on using VBA to build a calendar to schedule conference room

    I have been assigned the task of creating a tool for use by employees in scheduling a conference room. Does anyone have experience with this who could possibly point me in the right direction? My hope was this could be done using VBA. Thanks,
  2. R

    Question regarding counting non-blank cells.

    Good day all, this is my first post here. I have a table of information that I edit each day, needing to have the newest information on the top of the list. I need to do a count of non-blank cells in column A, and as I append the list, I add a blank row at the top of the list. Well, I actually...
  3. K

    Help Creating A Macro

    First let me say, I know very little about macros. I have a few personal macros that I use which I found online over the years, but other than doing minor changes to them I have just copied them from other sources and assigned a shortcut to them to run. I don't know how to actually create one...
  4. E

    Automating my Pivot Table's Rolling Date Checklist

    Hi there, I send out weekly reports that include data from the most recent two weeks and data from the most recent month. Each time I refresh my report with new data, I have to go in and manually uncheck the boxes of previous weeks and select the most recent checkbox. I wondered if there could...
  5. B

    Help with a change in Macro

    Hi, hope you can help. I currently have a spreadsheet set up with a macro in; we copy data into tab A, run the macro and it pulls through the info into tab B. We use this to format the information downloaded straight from our bank, however the bank's statements are now downloading in a...
  6. M

    VBA: Hide columns in one sheet, given the result of a dropdown list in another sheet

    Hey guys! I'm a newbie on VBA and I need some help with a VBA code. Baiscally I have a workbook with several sheets. In one sheet (Summary), I have a dropdown list with all the months in the year (dropdown list is in cell "F9". What I would like to do is that: if Januray is select in the...
  7. M

    Insert a macro via vba

    Good day, i'm creating a macro that splits a master file into over 30 files, each of those files needs to have a macro that shows/hide columns for some of the sheets on them. i'm not able to figure out a way to add this code to each new file If ActiveSheet.Columns("B:D").Hidden = True Then...
  8. M

    Macro: Automating the importation of data into Excel from variable sources/pathway

    Hi all, Basically I want to automate the importation of a Text/CSV file into my Excel. The problem that I am having is that the pathway and file name of my source changes on monthly basis. For example: For the month of January, a January folder is created where all the data in dumped in. So...
  9. B

    Save Macro - Locking & Unlocking Protected Cells

    I have the following save macro that unlocks a cell, saves the file with a new name and then locks the cell again to protect a formula. The issue I'm having is when it locks the sheet again, it does not allow my pictures in the report to be modified. Is there something I can add to the code...
  10. D

    transposition macro help

    Hey there. I'm new to macros and programming. I am trying to make this data <colgroup><col style="width:48pt" width="64" span="15"> </colgroup><tbody> device1 app1 app2 app3 app4 app5 app6 app7 app8 device2 app1 app2 app3...
  11. J

    Change values of a sheet based on negative positive values of different sheet

    I have 2 sheets, in sheet1 I have 2 columns Product code and Values, In sheet2 also I have 2 columns Product code and Values, In sheet1 A column a same product may be there for more than one time with different values but in sheet2 the product code is there only for once without having any...
  12. B

    Macro Merge Particular sheet from multiple workbook

    Hi there Could you please help me here I need to merge particular sheet "Consolidated data" from the different work book saved in the same folder to another work book without formulas. Save as values.
  13. C

    Fetch domain name with vba in Excel

    Goal: Prevent exited employees from using certain company spreadsheets. I've searched for this question, but most of the questions refer to allowing only a specific list of users access. I have another workbook that only a few people need access to, so I put their ID numbers on a hidden sheet...
  14. B

    VBA Run macros on multiple sheets, not all sheets

    Hello, I have a button running three macros. I was to have this run through multiple sheets in a workbook, but not all the sheets. Just selected sheets. I have this code on the button. It seems to run through and select the sheets as the message box pops up. But it is not actually running the...
  15. S

    Unable to use Macros when worksheet is locked

    Good day, I'd like to ask for your kind assistance please, I couldnt use the macros on this sheet when i lock the worksheet is there a work around on it?, even if I sent the macros unlocked. can anyone help me please thank you so much. below are the Macros i use in a sheet. Sub Resolved() '...
  16. E

    VBA - copy and paste worksheet with new name

    Hello Can anyone please point me in the right direction with some VBA? I want to copy and paste a worksheet ("Phase2_Timeline") onto a new worksheet (that hasn't yet been created), but for it to be called "TU Report " & Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy"). I have been trying; Sub Create_TUReport()...
  17. E

    VBA - insert new row Y, copy row X and paste format and formulas in row Y

    Hello Sorry this could be really simple but I've spent hours and feel like I'm going round in circles! Any help would be really appreciated. I want a macro to insert a new row below the current active cell, then copy and paste format and formula from row 8 into that new row. I have been...
  18. F

    PUlling data from a website

    Hi all, I'm not very good at Marcos or VBA (I'm sure many say that!) I trying to pull specific data from a website. I would like to do the following: I need to extract data from a website (name of aplace and address) and import it into an excel sheet. The data on the website is not under...
  19. T

    VBA Cut and Paste Data From One Sheet to appropriate Sheet based on FY Date

    Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with my dilemma, I don't even know where to begin coding this one. I have a Workbook with 6 Sheets: TRACKER, FY19 SUMMARY, FY20 SUMMARY, FY21 SUMMARY, FY22 SUMMARY, FY23SUMMARY, and FY24 SUMMARY. I need to move a portion of a row of data from the...
  20. K

    VBA Questions - New to Macros

    Sorry for the long post, any help is appreciated. I am working on the Macro below. I am hoping someone can provide a little guidance on a few questions. 1. Should the Marco be in Module1, The spreadsheet I am running it against or in ThisWorkbook? 2. I can run the solver without an issue...

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