max and min

  1. D

    Timesheet Calculation

    Hi Everyone, I made this account specifically to ask this (probably very simple) question. I have gone through quite a few websites trying to get an answer but I can't seem to find one that works. Standard time is Monday through Friday 7am to 6pm Overtime is anything outside of that, so...
  2. S

    PowerBI - max record with min date

    Hi I have the table attached and I want to have the output table attached. Power BI has to get the last owned vehicle by person and then get when it was owned.
  3. I

    Find MIN/MAX Value with conditional formatting in given block of DATA - then repeat

    I've been wraping my head around this one for couple of days, might be that I am just looking at this in a wrong way. Here is my problem: - i have data blocks that are divided by empty cells in columns G and H. Column G has to show MAX value in green and Column H needs to show LOWEST value in...
  4. T

    Using Dynamic Named Ranges in a Formula With INDEX, MATCH and MAX via a Dropdown Cell Containing the Range Name

    Hi all! I have tried to find a solution to this problem, but so far nothing I've found has either worked or explained why it can't - so I'm turning to you guys! I have a standard data table from which I wish to display the maximum and minimum value of a given criteria using in-cell dropdowns...
  5. A

    Returning multiple Max results

    Hi wondering if anyone could help? I have a report on questionnaires I'm doing where I have to return the MAX and MIN values of the results. I first started using the =VLOOKUP(MAX(C4:C12),C4:D12,2,0) formula but it only returns the first MAX value to me but instead I want a formula that can...
  6. M

    Get 4 random numbers divided to 2 pairs with established max and min values to get given sum

    Hello all, I would like to politely ask you for help to solve my little problem. I have already worked with generating random numbers before and have tried to look up for solution, but this is probably more delicate problem than just generating random numbers. Previously i used just this...
  7. A

    Find total due according to date

    Dear All, I want a formula which will sum monthly amount in due column in accordance with the current month. What I want is, if the amount is 120 and it should display 120*2="240" in the total due column after 28th february, and when it comes to March 31st it should display 120*3=360 and so...
  8. R

    How to find top positions basis multiple criteria while handling ties

    Hello All, I'm looking for excel formula for following set of data: I'm having Names in Col A, Scores in column B and quantity lifted in Col C. I need to find top 3 positions. First data needs to be scan through Col B and find highest score and if there is a tie, than Col C should be considered...
  9. S

    Min and Max Functions returning a 0 value when looking up a formula

    Hi, I have the following formulas in cells FQ3 and FR3 which return the numbers 16 and 19 repsectively =IFERROR(LEFT(INDIRECT(FQ$1&$DZ3),(FIND("-",INDIRECT(FQ$1&$DZ3),1)-1)),"") =IFERROR(RIGHT(INDIRECT(FQ$1&$DZ3),(FIND("-",INDIRECT(FQ$1&$DZ3),1)-1)),"") However I then want a formula that...
  10. A

    Working out Extra hours with a limit

    OK i have been racking my brain about this for far too long, hopefully someone here can help me What i need is a formula that will tell me how many extra hours someone has worked over their contracted hours, So the Min would be their Contacted Hours Per Week * 4 (32*4=128) the Max would be 160...
  11. A

    MAX(IF and MIN(IF not giving results expected

    Hi all, I have created a MAX(IF command in order to find the maximum temperature, from a table, between two times. it looks like this: <h5,c16:c28226,0)))}, and="" it="" works="" great! <h5,c16:c28226,0))) <h5,c16:c28226,0))) <h5,c16:c28226,0)))...
  12. M

    Refreshing web query creates #N/A in referencing cells

    Hi, I have a worksheet with one tab that has a web query retrieving data from an online table and another tab that uses a series of formulas that start by referencing the tab with the web queries. The order of the formulas is as follows: web query --> cells referencing the table created by...
  13. J

    If Greater than this column and this column then Max and Min and display this cell

    <tbody> NAME A B C D 0% 1 561 91% 2 560 86% A 0% </tbody> If Column A is Greater than 0 and Column B is greater than 90, then find the MAX of column B, and display Name Cell. It should give you (1). Also the same as above but instead of MAX I need the MIN...
  14. J

    If this is the MAX In one column then put this from another column

    <tbody> Column1 Column2 2 150% 3 100% </tbody> How do I write, get the MAX value from column2 and Display the name for column1 to another cell in a formula? So the answer should be (2) This is only based on the max value and nothing else.
  15. J

    Conditional Formatting to find highest value in a ROW if greater than n% to the second highest and also finding the lowest value in a ROW if n% lower

    Hi All, Hope you're all well. I am trying to do the following, if possible. I have found a way around it using formaulas but can't do it using conditional formatting. What I want to do is to find highest value in a ROW if greater than n% to the second highest (say green) and also finding the...
  16. M

    Get the max and min based on certain criteria

    Please help me look for a formula to get the Max and Min value based on given criteria. <tbody> Client Campaign Name Sent Unique Opens Opens rate Product1 Campaign1 20 14 70.00% Product1 Campaign2 18 11 61.11% Product1 Campaign3 10 8 80.00% Product1 Campaign4 9 6 66.67% Product1...
  17. M

    Get the Max and Min Value based on criteria

    Please help me look for a formula to get the maximum and minimum value based on certain criteria. Thanks. <tbody> Client Campaign Sent Unique Opens Opens rate Product1 Campaign1 20 14 70.00% Product1 Campaign2 18 11 61.11% Product1 Campaign3 10 8 80.00% Product1 Campaign4 9 6 66.67%...
  18. Navi_G

    Find Typical Values with Vlookup including Max Min

    Hi, Dear Experts i found in typical vlookup situation. i use vlook up function but i can't use with other functions please advice me on this illustration. <TBODY> ID #</SPAN> Students</SPAN> English</SPAN> Physics</SPAN> Chemistry</SPAN> Biology</SPAN> Computer</SPAN> Social...

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