message box

  1. Rob_010101

    Add message box

    Hello, The below macro currently works perfectly and moves a line of data based on the selection from a drop-down menu (data validation list). I'd like to add a simple "are you sure you want to proceed" "yes" "no" style button message box when the user selects the item. Private Sub...
  2. M

    Message box "OK"

    hi all, how can i write a VBA code to check value in 2 column for row 2 to check if any value in column A is Yes -> display" Quantity is wrong" if any value in column B is Yes -> display " Price is wrong" Message only with "OK " button. If user click OK, just stop the VBA and do nothing...
  3. larinda4

    Msg box with 3 options - Call A Sub

    Good morning, I have three separate VBA codes and I want it to run a specific sub depending on the option selected from a MSG box? My three options for the msg box: - WI - WI, H&D - H&D The user will select which one and then I want it to call the sub depending on the selection. Can this be...
  4. J

    Displaying Content in Message box

    Hi all, Background: I have a spreadsheet that has a list of items, in column A, that changes daily. I currently have a message box that prompts the user to confirm that they have downloaded the items from an internal server. Here is Current box and example spreadsheet: Question: Can I put...
  5. V

    Help needed with message box VBA!

    Morning all, Apologies, posting this because I could not find appropriate solutions to my problem. Earlier I obtained this particular code from Dante (which I’m immensely thankful for) which helped in generating a message box (when two conditions are met) for my worksheet: Private Sub...
  6. V

    Need help for VBA/Macro please!

    Good morning all, I'm having some difficulty with setting up a macro which will trigger if two conditions are met in a worksheet. Require a message box to appear if the value in a particular cell (D4) in the D column shows the keyword “Supplier” and if the value in a different cell (H7) in...
  7. A

    If filtered range is blank, message box

    I filter my data based on entries in field 8 and once I have that filtered I want a message box to pop up to let me know if there are any new entries. The filtering works, and I know that the message box criteria is wrong since cell H2 won't be blank. It's just not in the filtered range, but...
  8. A

    Matrix Inverse message box help

    Hello all, I'm new to this forum, but I feel like this is a great place to get help. I am trying to find the correct If Then coding to use that will pop up a message box if there is no inverse to a matrix, but everything I have tried has failed. The closest I have gotten to something that works...
  9. A

    message box in vba when range is less then.. vba in the sheet itself - view code

    How do I do the code in the sheet itself in the "view code" when the value in column K (any row in the column) is less than 10, a message will pop up to the screen that says - "10 days left until expiration" I would appreciate your assistance!
  10. H

    VBA Prompt to Send Email

    Hello all! We're currently using a spreadsheet to record and track training requests, and have a column (W) to note if a learning request form has been completed. I'd like to add a VBA to send an email if the cell in column W says "Yes" - Would also like a pop up box to prompt this ("Would you...
  11. V

    How to clear out cache

    I'm getting this problem "OUT OF MEMORY", when I run my vba. My vba basically takes various things from a online csv which grabs time, year, # of ad clicks, weather, and, it takes it from there and pastes it into my document every 5 seconds or so. So I have an up-to-date dashboard of...
  12. M

    Message box popup using if statement after sending ActiveX control entries to a different worksheet

    I have a spreadsheet where the first sheet is a form using ActiveX controls (ComboBox, TextBox, and CommandButton). The ComboBox is a part number and the TextBox is a quantity. Once these are filled and the CommandButton is pressed, the information is sent to a master sheet with all entries...
  13. M

    Sheet code not working for message pop-up

    Hello All, I must be doing something stupid because I can not determine why this code is not working. There was another post last month (Pop up box based on certain values within cells) which is very similar to my needs. I need to have a popup message box to inform the user the value has to...
  14. J

    VBA display message box, pick yes or no

    I have a load of text data which I need to read through to confirm if its relevant or not. I want to display the text from each cell in column D in a message box and then click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on its relevancy and then move onto the next cell down, when i click yes or no i want it to...
  15. G

    Yes or No MsgBox in VBA Macro

    Hi all you wonderful Guru's, I have a Macro with several calls within. How do I place a message box in before the last call to either yes run the last call or no to end the macro right there? Call Macro1 Call Macro2 pop up a msg box yes or no to either continue to the next call or end the...
  16. K

    VBA Code that gives results in MsgBox

    Ideally I would like the message box to display whether any discrepancies were identified in sheet 3. The data in sheet 1&2 should be identical, so when the macro is run the results in sheet 3 should show no data because there is no discrepancy. Now, if there are discrepancies between the data...
  17. D

    Message Box

    Hi, I would like to have a Pop up Message Box (with 'Yes / No' buttons) appear in Outlook when I click on the Send Button and also if possible change the wording of the 'Yes / No' buttons pls...
  18. S

    [VBA HELP] Save file prompt to overwrite, save as or cancel

    Hello, I need help on VBA for the following requirement. Pop up message with 3 button of choices 1. Overwrite file 2. Save as different file name 3. Cancel operation. Thank you so much for your help. Cheers..... Sasils
  19. D

    VBA stuck in a loop I can't get out of

    Hi all I’ve been given the code below which seems to do almostexactly what I want it to do but I’d like to make a couple of changes which iswhere I’m stuck AsI understand it this code identifies if a cell has been changed then if thetotal in row 21 is higher than that of row 23 provides a...
  20. D

    VBA to remove entry depending on total of column

    I don't really know if this is possible or where to start (which is probably why I can't search for it very well) I have a workbook with a number of identical worksheets (one for each month) - each worksheet has data that can be entered into about 30 columns via drop down. Each column then...

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