no vba

  1. S

    Numbers to Words without VBA

    I saw Peter Menhennet formula at Leila's youtube (Convert NUMBERS to WORDS in Excel (No VBA)) Need help if anyone knows the formula for Malaysia's format? the cents want it in words example : RM 1,234,567.89 ---> One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven & Cents...
  2. S

    Creating an Appended Combined Column to use as a database

    Hi all, I’ve been struggling with this for some time because I need to use formulas to automate the new database column, not VBA or power query. Essentially what I want to do is create a column that combines two other columns but the difference is appended to the bottom. For ease of explanation...
  3. MrDB4Excel

    How to select a Dynamic Named Range without VBA

    The range you see with headings in row "1", now encompassing rows 1 through 10, changes regularly. I want to be able to select this dynamic range but only select from row 2 through to the last non-blank row (in this case row 10). And how do I want to select this dynamic range? By picking a...
  4. K

    SUMIFS or SUMPRODUCT or something else :(

    Hi, I am stuck with trying to get the below dataset into a summary table using formulae (cannot use VBA as it is a marco-free file). BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ2Sample dataset3AccountWeightageJan-21Feb-21Mar-21Apr-21May-21Jun-21Jul-21Aug-21Sep-21Oct-21Nov-21Dec-21TOTALSpecial condition4Acct...
  5. D

    Sum up concatenation values

    Hello, Is there any way to sum up the numeric values of concatenations? Example below. The data displayed in cells A2:D2 are a result of some concatenations. In cell E2 I would like to be able to sum up those concatenated values. In this case, E2 should come up as 137 days. Stipulations: I...
  6. L

    Searchable drop down lists without Combobox

    Hi all - I have a sheet with multiple columns utilizing data validation drop-downs. I need the drop-downs to be searchable due to the large number of options in the drop-down lists (Country column for example). I understand there are limitations with data validation and this can be done with...
  7. T

    solver showing error

    I have 200 columns and it's total in last column. I want to change my total so it will automatically changes the value with its ratio. Example Columns Value A 10 B 20 C 3 D 0 E 50 F 28 G 27 H 38 I 90 J 107 Total 373 I want change the total to 400 how to do...
  8. S

    Multiple Cell Check without VBA

    Hi, I have an hard time being able to figure out a solution to my issue and would like to see if anyone can help or has ideas of how this challenge can be resolved. I am trying to find a formula that is able to tell me if a cell has changed from a number to a text (horizontally) resulting in...
  9. J

    Help With Calculating Test Results

    Hi, I am trying to find a better way of calculating total metrics of our test results from various sets of tests. The cut down table and the text below shows how we are currently doing it, but the formula is going to be too long to do it on the next sheet so I am looking for a more simple way...
  10. M

    Hyperlinking & Identifying Hidden sheets in Excel

    Hi, I have the following problem with hidden worksheets I'd like to submit to some more experienced Excel users. I've created a ToC of all worksheets in my Excel file, sth. for which a solution can easily be found online. The resulting ToC displays in a dedicated sheet, as a column with the...
  11. N

    Reference a Closed Excel Workbook

    First off, I am going to try to avoid using VBA due to other circumstances. This is how I am operating at the moment: I have 2 workbooks referencing cells off each other, my active workbook that I will be always using (let's call this Book 1) and my passive workbook (Book 2) that I would like...
  12. D

    Relative values, grouping them evenly

    Hey, guys.:beerchug: So, obviously, I stumbled upon something that I can't seem to figure out myself. I googled, read and watched a lot. But this problem seems to be a bit too specific to find a solution on web. 80 items. Each item has a different "value" relative to each other. I want to put...
  13. C

    Sort data from one table into two automatically - No VBA

    Hi, I've looked thoroughly throughout forums and tutorials for a possible solution to the following situation, but to no avail. It may have to do with the wording I use in my search, as it's difficult to know how to ask this, but I'm just stumped. I have a list of data, 50-200 rows a week, that...
  14. B

    Dynamic Chart without using Macros

    I am trying to make a chart that will change based on the active cell's row. This workbook will be used exclusively on iPads for field work. As far as I know the ios version of excel does not support macros so I will have to make this chart without using macros. I've figured out how to do it...
  15. G

    Easy Solution to SUMIFS with variable criteria???

    Hello All, I am looking for an easy solution to a rather tedious formula. Here's the situation... I have a list of data that I would like to SUMIFS. From that SUMIFS, I would like to subtract out values that meet certain criteria in another, separate range. Lets use an example to help better...
  16. M

    Concatenating Text to Formula

    Hello everyone. I would like to concatenate two cells to one formula - this will be in a table/listobject. What the formula does it retrieves the count value from the column 'name' of different tables. I am not allowed to use VBA for this project. <tbody> A B C D (formula used) 1...
  17. A

    Take average of each category and then compute the average

    Hi there, I have a problem that I can demonstrate in simplified way as follows: <tbody> Company Amount A 500 B 200 C 400 A 200 B 400 </tbody> I would like a formula that would first calculate the average over each category (i.e., A = 350, B = 300, and C = 400) and then...
  18. Beetlestone

    1 Column, 1254 cells, Create buckets of summed amounts

    I put this on a smaller scale of 28 rows to describe it easier. This cannot be a macro (VBA), has to be a good old fashioned formula :) I have 1 column (A) with 1254 cells, each cell contains tonnage. In column B, I am trying to create "buckets" of tonnage from column A that sum up to just...
  19. G

    List to Matrix

    I am looking for a solution for an apparently simple but I believe quite complex problem that has been bugging us in the office for days. I know it would be easy to solve this with VBA, but I would like to find a formula-only solution, I think there should be one. It's not easy to explain so...
  20. A

    Calculate Days Since Last Stage, where some stages don't occur

    Hi Guys, first post here, I've trawled a few forums with this issue, but admittedly I could have looked a little harder, so apologies if this is easily answered on another thread. I'm monitoring a set of projects and want to report on the number of days taken since the last step, which is are...

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