print macro

  1. C

    VBA to print to a specific printer

    I am looking for a VBA Code that can be used to print to a specific printer on 11x17 sheet in landscape orientation and print area based on the dynamic print area that i have already set up. I have tried recording a macro but can only get it to print to last used printer. Can anyone help?
  2. L

    Print macro to catch all slicer values

    On a PowerPivot report I have a slicer ("Slicer_Month_Name"); I would like to print the report for each month of the year. Selecting each month and printing the report is not user friendly, so I'd like to have a macro that goes from month to month and prints the individual report. In other...
  3. kelly mort

    macro to print range of IDs

    Hello All, I have this macro that i use to print in my workbook. Instead of it printing from 1 always, i want it to use an inputbox to specify where to start from and where to end at. For example when i run it, it should ask me for entry for start ID and end ID. Thanks Sub Print() Dim...
  4. J

    Macro to print data selected by slicers

    I'm building a report that uses slicers to select up to 258 different sets of data (3 slicers with mutiple selections each). I am hoping to write a macro to print all possible combinations of data selected via these 3 slicers. Does anyone have a macro that does something similar? Basically need...
  5. M

    Print code with checkbox and print dialogue/summary

    Hi, I'm in need of some help regarding printing in excel with a vba code. At the moment I have a checkbox which pops up when you click the "Print" button I created on the sheet. But once you have selected the sheets you want and hit "OK" it goes straight through to the printer. I'm...
  6. B

    Print Macro Help - Is it possible to Macro so only the pages in a sheet that have data in certain cells are printed?

    I have a workbook that has 87 sheets, and each sheet has 21 printable pages. Is there a macro which will print only the pages that have entries on them? For instance, if on a single sheet, there is data in cells E7, E37, E66 & E95, only the pages that have those cells in them will print. Is a...
  7. J

    Print Macro Help

    I have a list of names (40) on Report sheet that I would like a macro to print starting at first name on Report sheet! A2 and place in cell B5 of certification sheet! then print the sheet next open Competency file Review sheet! then place the same name from Report sheet! A2 in cell B2 print the...
  8. D

    Excel Macro with eDocPrinter PDF Pro

    I am trying to get eDocPrinter PDF Pro to create a pdf file from 2 tabs in an Excel spreadsheet. I was hoping to just take Record a Macro code and use it, but currently when I run the code below it leaves me at the 'Save As' dialog box with the name of the Excel file as the pdf name and I have...
  9. K

    VDB Print Macro - Page Orientation

    I have the following code. On some of my tabs, I need to print in portrait and others landscape. I saw some code that did a column count. If the coumn count is less than 10, do portrait, else do landscape. I wasn't able to get it to work. Any help would be great. Sub setupSheets()...
  10. M

    VBA Print - Help Modify it since it delete active cell before running it

    Code below do great job printing my target area, but it also delete, clear active cell after I running this macro. any idea why, help me modifying it. thx Sub Print_Myproblem() Application.EnableEvents = False Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = Selection Dim S As Shape On...
  11. Z

    Recording a Macro with a Validation List

    I have to prepare 70+ tables from a data set. In order to take the same information from the data set, I have created a validation list dropdown (in cell A2). The next step (that I need help with) is recording a macro that prints the first table, then selects the next item on the list and prints...
  12. A

    VBA Macro Loop Through and Print Combo Box Options

    Hello, I have an excel dashboard and a combo box drives it. I need the user to be able to hit a print icon and have it loop through each sales manager in the combo box and print the page. The macro I have below runs over and over and will not stop. It also only prints the first name in the...
  13. M

    Combobox Print Macro - Value in Combobox won't update

    I have a command button which I want to change the value in the Combobox then print. I only have 2 regions (USA, Intl). The problem is that the combobox value updates, but the text within the combobox does not. Here's what I have: Sub PrintLines() With Sheet1.Combobox4 .Value = "USA"...
  14. L

    VBA to print all items in a combo box

    Hi, I'm trying to write code to print all items in a combo box object. Can anyone help?
  15. A

    email and pring macro

    I've checked out lots of posts and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a worksheet that sales people will be printing and giving out to clients. I want to be able to disable all other ways to print except from a button, but before the print I want to...
  16. J

    Print Macro when not sure what cells to print out

    I have created a macro to format data that gets dumped into excel. Each time it is dumped I don't know how many rows of data there are. Once the formatting is done I would like it to set the spreadsheet to print only the data that was dumped with the formatting the macro did. ie Today I want...

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