
  1. J

    Get IAccessible of UserForm control without reference

    I know we can get IAccessible of an object by first declaring a variable of type IAccessible and set it to the object we want the interface from, but that requires a reference to a TypeLib in VBE menu -> Tools ->References. Wondering if we can do that without reference and with API only. Ideally...
  2. T

    Referencing Another Workbook/File

    Hi all, I have a workbook Main.xlsx that references another workbook Source.xlsx using an IF(COUNTIF(....)) function in the Main.xlsx. When both workbooks are open, the formulas in the Main.xlsx workbook return values and everything works fine. But as soon as I close the Source.xlsx workbook...
  3. S

    Can't open Excel XLSM file due to recent VBA Reference failing

    This is really messed up. Please help me with a workaround that works. I'm completely disabled. I have a workbook called Journal.xlsm and another workbook named TokenHandling.xlsm. TokenHandling.xlsm is stored on my OneDrive but I access it via my local OneDrive folder on my harddrive...
  4. Rob_010101

    Sum columns on multiple sheets

    Hello Using the basic salary column on FY 22-23 as an example, I need a formula to sum this column into basic salary on the stats sheet, if possible using the sheet name in column A as a reference to the sheet to sum from. All columns across all FY sheets are set out the same. Stats sheet...
  5. M

    Stepping outside the range of a cell

    Suppose you have have a cell: Set FirstCell = Range("B4") and this reference: FirstCell (4, 6) What does the reference reference?
  6. brendalpzm

    Copy and paste formulas from a workbook to another without reference with VBA

    I have 3 workbooks, one of them (wb1) has a vba code that copies some formuled cells (a1:c23) in a worksheet from wb2 and copies them in a worksheet in wb3. The thing is that the formulas copied in wb3 are referencing the wb2 instead of wb3, how to copy without this reference?
  7. Rainbow_P

    Please help: Reference error in GETPIVOTDATA (pivot table in another sheet)

    Good day! Can you please help me with a reference question? A workbook has 2 sheets. Sheet1 is a pivot table. In sheet2, I use GETPIVOTDATA to return some values from the pivot table in Sheet1. In sheet2, cells C2 and D2, there are direct formulas when I just clicked the cells (I want to...
  8. E

    Change Pivot Data Source Based on Cell Selection

    Hello, Workbook name: Report Sheet with pivot: Summary Sheets with data source: Source1 , Source2 (data in range A1:C14) In the above workbook, I defined the name PivotChange_Source with formula =INDIRECT(Summary!$A$1&"!A1:C14") to change the Pivot source within the Workbook based on A1 input...
  9. F

    Tab Reference in Formula

    Hello Excel Experts, I need some help (if possible) regarding formulas that contain a tab reference. Specifically, I am trying to find out if I can incorporate a formula that based off of a text contained in the same cell on every sheet, that it would change which tab will be referenced. In the...
  10. D

    Referencing Cells from a Separate Work Book, but NOT Cell Position

    Hi Everyone! What I am trying to do is link start and end dates from one work book into another, but not the exact cell position where the date currently is. I can do the first part easily enough by putting "=" in the cell of my current work book, and then selecting the date cell from my...
  11. R

    Referencing multiple cells in different rows to give an output

    Hi! I am trying to link multiple calls in different rows with a formula I am using. The formula I am using is: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(DAY(F2),J28:M28,0)),"Holiday","") Basically what this is doing is, that if cells J28 to M28 contain a value, it matches it to the date in cell F2, and if it is a...
  12. V

    Loop Through Sequential Variables for UDF

    Hi all. I am trying to see if it is possible to loop through a series of variables with a standard naming convention. I am using this to create a UDF for me to use. What I am hoping to achieve is something like this where I can choose to enter up to a certain number of ranges as arguments for...
  13. E

    Sum function returning 0

    I have a spread sheet where I'm trying to get a calculation of a sum of two cells where their data is referenced from two other sheets. And I'm getting 0 as a result. What I'm trying to do is: in cell R10, I want R10 to =SUM(O10:O11). It should =80 but it's not. Formatting is the same on all...
  14. R

    [VBA] Trying to use sheet names in listbox as source to run code - can't figure out reference

    Trying to keep this as simple and clear as possible as it is pretty involved but happy to post more to get to a solution if necessary. I've got a command that works. I'm trying to shift from using a cell (cell is a named range) where you input a sheet name and it does the action on that sheet...
  15. H

    Create tab with dynamic summary info pulled from multiple other tabs

    Hi, To give you a bit of background I work for a property company and we currently keep our database of properties on Excel. There are multiple entities and each entity has a tab on a workbook, each entity tab contains the same column headers across the top and down the side are the list of...
  16. MDHolmes

    Populating a wage based on a drop-down list

    I'm pretty much self-taught on Excel, and I'm really having trouble with this... I have two worksheets in my spreadsheet, the first is Labour Tracking, the second Data. My Data worksheet has a list of seven employees in Column A and their corresponding wage in Column B. The number of...
  17. G

    Conditional variable type declaration

    I have an API module that suppose to work for multiple programs. The object type refer to different reference for each program, but they are actually same functions inside the library so VBA code would be same for each program. I want to make my code short (implement DRY). Ideally, I would...
  18. G

    reference cell even the row is deleted

    i have no clue to doing this man, i expect the output is to be the right chart, but on the left chart is what i’ve done i want the cell to still remain the same number even the row is deleted and if i add new no. it still going +1 i need your help guys
  19. A

    Sumproduct in VBA linking to external (opened) workbooks

    Hi, I have this piece of code: With Workbooks("MyWorkbook.xlsx").Worksheets("MyWorksheet") Workbooks("OtherWorkbook.xlsb").Worksheets("OtherWorksheet").Cells(i, "MR").Value2 = _ .Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((W2:W150000=MYRANGE)*Z2:Z150000,AA2:AA150000)") End With The code seems to work if I...
  20. S

    Drop down list selection to fill down results on multiple rows

    Hi! I've been breaking my head trying to figure out and or find an answer on how to use a drop down list (of names) to fill down a column with the results. More detail. Lets say I have multiple sheets, each with a name, an a list of objects they own like this: And on another sheet, I have a...

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