
  1. P

    Comparing and matching product names from different stores/suppliers

    Hello! I made an application that will help compare various price lists of various suppliers with a master product list by product name. It often happens that in various price lists of suppliers there is no universal unique product key and you have to manually compare the name with your own...
  2. S

    SUMIF and Search

    Hi, I'm struggling to figure out why this formula wont work, thought this would be an easy one for me! I have a quarterly budget against business unit projects, several projects per business unit that I want to summarise. Q1 to Q4 budgets for each project listed in columns L to O. The criteria...
  3. Eawyne

    Search & Display : result doesn't take comment/URL into account ?

    Hiyall, I've been working on a dynamic search bar in Excel, following this video, and it works fine. The formula is : =IF(I3="","Rien trouvé",FILTER(Table1,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(I3,Table1[Sujet])),"Rien trouvé")) Or with proper typo : =IF(I3="","No...
  4. Eawyne

    Custom Search bar - Partial & Exact match

    Hiyall, I've been trying to create a custom search bar and this video explaining it rather well. However, when it comes to the partial research, it appears that my version of Excel doesn't understand the [FIRST] variable (it's a Pro version 2021 - I thought it was enough, but maybe it needs...
  5. H

    Lookup (or Search) for a value in one column across a range of columns, then return the corresponding value for a different column

    I have a data set that includes alternate SKU's for products. The alternate SKU's may be in any one of 31 different columns. I have a list of alternate SKU's that I want to look for i the range. When found, I want the formula to return the corresponding value in a different column. This will be...
  6. C

    Lookup multiple criteria and find match within mixed alpha numerical cells and return the value matched

    Hello, I need help with the following please. We get reports with hundreds of lines and I need to verify the error descriptions to catalogue and process errors. Only problem is the criteria is very specific and appears at different parts of string within the cell. Please see image attached to...
  7. Sumeluar

    Input box with selected text from cell

    Hello excel experts, I need your help with the following: I have a range named "Database" with about 5000 entries and growing, on the same worksheet I have a small calendar that populates tasks according to the current month and date from the database, this calendar places items for each date...
  8. D

    Multiple conditions

    I am trying to build a spreadsheet that has multiple condition. When I plug in my conditions into conditional formatting, it won't work. 1st condition: I want 3 rows to be filled in blue, with border and vertical lines highlighted, one line no fill/border, then the next 3 rows to be no fill...
  9. duteberta

    Table filter search box VBA not working...

    I've been working all day to no avail. Not sure why table is not filtering when activating this macro. Option Explicit Sub AgentFilter() Dim aQuery As String Dim LastRow As Long With sh_AGENTS LastRow = .Range("C999999999").End(xlUp).Row If...
  10. R

    Search Table

    Hi, I am looking a formula to search a table say D and 5 to return "Red" if someone could help please.
  11. G

    How to change Spreadsheet search (find) results cell border colour ?

    How to change Spreadsheet search (find) results cell border colour ? Seems so easy, but just cannot find anywhere that shows you. Excel 365 currently shows dark green, but with my eyes and screen colours, it looks very similar to the black of the grid lines.
  12. skyh3ck

    1st match column header, 2nd lookup a value in same column, 3rd return corresponding value from the very first column ?? need help

    Hello guys i have a data base where i want to first find the column header, 2nd in same column find a certain date, and 3rd return correponding date from same row 1st column. So i have prepared one sample excel file Sheet one - Calc - where user can enter the class and dates Sheet two - Log...
  13. M

    Search by textbox and criteria combobox and show in listbox

    Hello, good day everyone, I want to search based on the combobox as (search column) and textbox in sheet 1. How is this possible? ABCDEFGH1no.Nameidsexagedate of birthIQ TestMeaning of Name214Ani4935426663female2231/10/199998Ornament, Beautiful, Variant of Anne /...
  14. R

    Filter Formula

    Hi, I requrie a formula in sheet 2 cell AW2 through to AW99 to search using the data shown in Sheet 2 Cell A2 (to A99 as it will repeat on each row) This will then search for the same data in Sheet 1 Cell C2 to C99, and return the first occurance of the value shown within Column N that matches...
  15. Rob_010101

    Simple search macro

    Hello In C1 i'd like to be able to type a name and when the search button is clicked, excel performs the search function. I've tried recording a macro for this but it keeps going to an incorrect cell. Is someone able to help with VB that I can assign to the button? Many Thanks
  16. S

    Find list of words in range for array formula

    I have a spreadsheet that I am trying to populate by using an array formula. Right now, I have a formula that looks in a range and identifies if the word "Spouse" is within it. However, I would like to update the formula to search for "Spouse" & "Ex-Spouse" within the same range, but my current...
  17. M

    search in worksheet for multiple words via userform

    Hi, I have created a database, where data from the userform is entered into the Worksheet ("data_entry") into the respective column. Now I want to load counter readings (in a production of components) automatically into the Userform. As soon as the respective component is selected via the...
  18. Y

    Data Matching

    I havr data in Column AD that has the same date in column AC but no on the same rows. Column L is connected to column AC and AD but the corresponding rows has different names. I want to display the Name on Column L that is connected to column AD and display it on the row where Column AC has a...
  19. T

    Excel Find not finding text by row

    If I search for this text "GEN2-08C" within workbook and by row using find all, it's not finding the same string on the next tab. They are both text and not a formula. If I only change the search by to columns it then finds both. I have always had issues with the Excel Find tool. Most times...
  20. A

    Filter and Search with VSTACK

    I have 2 tables on separate tabs that I would like to search for any row containing a criteria and return the whole row. After converting the data to tables I create a new tab just for my search and am using cell B3 as my search criteria text box. I am using the following formula and no matter...

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