user created function

  1. J

    How to modify this UDF for visible cells only?

    Hey everyone, I’ve got this user-defined function that I use to calculate a statistical measure for a range of cells. I’d like to modify it so that it only evaluates the visible cells within the range, but I’m not sure exactly how… Here’s the current code: Function COD(r As Range) As Double...
  2. S

    Customised UserForm

    Hi All, It would be of great help if I could get a solution for my long searching query. I have a Combobox in Userform which fetches the data from a worksheet, on selecting a specific record the rest fields would get auto populated, now the user has to fill few details in the available...
  3. 3

    Columns function - object-defined error

    Hi, I have the following procedure: Sub store_Dict() Dim key As Variant Dim myDict As New Dictionary Set myDict = CreateDictFromColumns("Sheet1", 1, 4) For Each key In myDict.Keys Debug.Print "Key = ", key, " Change = ", myDict(key) Next End Sub Where UDF CreateDictFromColumns is...
  4. Z

    Concatenate IF criterias are met VBA

    Hello everybody, I have the need to concatenate multiple values if certain criterias are met. I have a table that goes like this: <tbody> Color Mat Value Val2 BLUE X100 40 X BLUE D200 41 M BLUE X100 45 T YELLOW D200 30 S YELLOW HD2O 45 T RED X100 41 M...
  5. B

    Formula To User Defined Function

    Hi Guys, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to turn the below formula into a user defined function? for VBA =IFERROR(INDEX('Hidden Sheet'!B2:B19,MATCH(B7,Employees,0)),"") Many thanks Jamie
  6. T

    Named ranges with UDF's

    This is a repeat of an old thread which ended with an "it's impossible" verdict. I really can't accept that there is no solution so I am re-asking the question. Essentially I like to name rows and columns to make...
  7. Blammdon1

    VBA Returning a Range

    I can't find this anywhere on the net and it may sound stupid but, how do i return an actual range from a user created function so that another function say the MIN function can use that value to look at that range. (I mean like an actual Range, one that turns blue in excel not the values in...

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