viewing problems

  1. Y

    restrict which sheets a user can view

    I am trying to find a way to restrict which sheets a user can view by using a username and password. I am testing it first on a simple workbook called TEST with only 3 sheets and 2 users but eventually it will be used on a workbook with approx. 20 sheets and about 8 users and an administrator...
  2. B

    Varying display of forms between users

    I have designed 3 data entry forms to use on my database. None of them exceed 15" in width based on the ruler above the form header. They display fine on my monitor and no horizontal scrolling is required for navigation during data entry. Yet when other users with 17" monitors open the forms...
  3. J

    Trying to simplify graph for user

    I created an exel document with a line graph. The user will enter data in the top data area which will populate the data in the below cells and automatically update the graph. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> When I use the...
  4. J

    Excel Viewing Issue

    An excel file saved by one user is displayed larger on another computer viewing the same file. When we change the zoom, it changes the size on all users, thus making it too small to view on others' computers. Any clue on how to change the view for all excel file on one specific computer...

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