
  1. B

    VLOOKUP issue with wildcard parameter for partial matches in number/letter combinations

    Hello, so I'm using Microsoft Excel on Office 365 and I'm using the VLOOKUP function and having some issues. Here is the current state of my formula I'm trying to troubleshoot: =VLOOKUP(C3&"*",A:B,2,FALSE) Column A is filled with identification keys composed of letters and numbers while column...
  2. A

    Index(match(),match()) with a partial search

    Hi all, I am trying to use a partial text search in one of the matches and it is not returning any results. I've used this method numerous times in the past but never with a partial search. Can someone please take a look at my example below and let me know if they can help? In my example, I...
  3. JEH105

    IF, OR, VLOOKUP function not working with asterisk wildcard.

    I can't seem to figure this one out. I use this formula to search in other tables for multiple types of values. It always works like a charm, but, this year I've added two new categories "P-8" and "T-8" (the number 8 can range from 1-8, hence why i'm trying to use the asterisk) and it's not...
  4. X

    Get file address without opening the file?

    Hi I know it is possible to open a file with using wildcards, but is it possible to get the full address/filename using wildcards without opening the file? eg opening using wildcards: FilePath=FolderPath & "*DUB*" Workbooks.Open FilePath And I know you can get full address/name with...
  5. M

    Keep addresses with apartment numbers using a wildcard

    Wish I would have learned about macros years ago! It's time to bring in the experts since can't figure it out or find a post that answers my issue. I'm keeping rows with certain addresses and deleting all other rows. I'm trying to avoid having to type in each individual address and unit...
  6. M

    Referencing a partial file name

    Hello, I am trying to hyperlink a file. The first part of the filename is constant but the end has a variable date. Is there a way to look at the constant portion only when referencing? For example the file's name is: "EarningsDiscrepancy_0069_2021_20220429_093447_5649" I would like for it to...
  7. R

    Lookup in a list using wildcards

    I am trying to write a formula which checks if a cell value is in a list. So I have: =ISNUMBER(MATCH(D2,A:A,0)) And this works fine, checking if the value in D2 appears in the list in column A. However, I want to include wildcards in the list in column A. So for example: AAA* AAB* AAC*...
  8. K

    Limiting * wildcard when using Like patterns

    I'm abstracting data from large text cells, sometimes up to 600 characters long. Within the text I am searching for patterns matching like T#, N#, M#, saving this into a string, and the recording the numbers for t n m in their own columns. Frequently these patterns are typed differently though...
  9. D

    SUMIF with multiple conditions + Wildcard in Name

    Hi All, May you help me with below? Name in Column "H" will be the lookup value vs "A" and "D". Other condition is in the table:
  10. D

    Finding wildcard match from table row (PDF file import)

    Hi guys! I'm importing PDF-files into Excel in Office365 environment, using PowerQuery's new-ish PDF file support. However, given there are some minor differences over files, PowerQuery / Excel parses data a bit differently, based on individual PDF. I'm counting on the number of imported rows...
  11. A

    Wildcard with numbers in sumif

    Hi all, i want to sum only numbers contain 15 in range. all data are in number format. Example is attached. Thank you very much in advance.
  12. B

    Wildcard solution maybe??

    Each week I have to scan a changing list of names that includes former students. I want to find each student listed. My problem is that the list is outside my control and sometimes students names are presented differently depending on who creates that weekly list. Often Thomas becomes Tom...
  13. D

    Excel VBA AutoFiltering using InputBox to specify the Criteria - *contains*

    Hi Folks, My goal is to be able to filter a column in a dynamic table for strings that contain non-alpha characters like #, $, etc using wildcards (*). I wish to use an InputBox to specify the special character. Something unexpected is happening: If I directly code 'Criteria1' e.g., for #...
  14. N

    Need Help With Wildcard Vlookup

    I have a list of items that I need to be able to use a vlookup to see if it contains a certain string of text. For example I need to use the below items to be able to do a look up based off everything before "-4". I know I could do an =len and then use that to do an =left to get rid of the -4...
  15. E

    Vlookup with "inversed" wildcard

    So I think I generally understand how the "*" wildcard with vlookup works, but I need an "inverse" wildcard. Below is an example of my challenges: I have a list of Responses (column B) (over 2000 responses) that vary significantly but I need to recode it based on the "sample table" For...
  16. B

    VBA SQL Query ACCESS DB w/ LIKE "*" Operator

    Hi Community, Looking for some help in solving a problem. I am getting back a NULL (no records it seems) when processing this query in VBA, but when i try it similarly in Acess it works the way it's supposed to. Not sure what i am doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated. VBA SQL...
  17. M

    Sum Frequency with Wildcard

    Morning all, I've got a working Sum Frequency formula which counts unique matches. =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF((Driver!$A$2:$A$1973='Data Selection'!$A$1)*(Driver!$G$2:$G$1973="No"),MATCH(Driver!$D$2:$D$1973,Driver!$D$2:$D$1973,0)),ROW(Driver!$D$2:$D$1973)-ROW(OFFSET(Driver!$D$1,1,))+1)>0)) It works...
  18. A

    #-Wildcard application

    Hi guys! :) I am interested in finding out the exact version that the loop is coming across in the array. In this case it is v1 for i, though v5 is also possible. For my particular task it is important that I only retrieve the newest one (i.e. v5). In some rare cases there is also no version...
  19. D

    Search for a column and filter 3 or more names with wildcards

    Hi Friends, I request your help here for a code to search for a column using column name and filter data using wildcards. ABC, PQR, and XYZ are part of the same team but no other column to identify teams and therefore they need to be searched at once from the given data. Below code was...
  20. C

    How to include a string character with wildcard reference to cell - Countif

    I need to include a Comma plus 1 blank space to come before a wildcard reference to a cell content with countif/countifs Here is how the formal looks without the comma and blank ", " added =COUNTIF(ref_name,"*"&$A1&"*") Is this possible?

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