ACCESS CRASH with this Code


Board Regular
Feb 8, 2007
=DLookUp("StaffName","tblStaff","Login='" & Forms![Logbook Form Continuous]!User & "'")

when i open Logbook Form Continuous Form , :oops: access will crash.

i have table "tblStaff" with:

*->[Login], [StaffName]
tdax Tim Dax

*-> there is a hidden field:
[txtModBy] = Environ("username")

what i am trying to do is that when i open form [Logbook Form Continuous] . Field [User] in that form will LOOKUP "tblStaff" and match the [login], to [StaffName] and then put the personnel name in [User]
<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 align=center cellpadding=2px width=50% ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBMain" border-left=1px solid colSpan= 3 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=Left ><font color="White">tblStaff : Table</font></TD><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=right >Access 2003</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left >Login</TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left >StaffName</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >ribrahim</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Romani Ibrahim</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >bmartinez2</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Ben Martinez</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >dreynolds</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Denver Reynolds</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="IE" CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 3 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerRight" > Record: </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyData" > 1 </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" >
</TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerLeft" > of 3</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 3 ><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD ID="Data195659816" CLASS="AccInfoBarInnerRight" >tblStaff</TD><TD ID="Info195659816" CLASS="AccInfoBarData" > Record Count: 3</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="tpkrow" colSpan = 3 ><CENTER><font size = 1>Access HTML Add-in provided by</font></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>

Excel Facts

Round to nearest half hour?
Use =MROUND(A2,"0:30") to round to nearest half hour. Use =CEILING(A2,"0:30") to round to next half hour.
I reproduced your form and table names, used the same expression, and it worked just fine.
Are you using this on a single form, or is this a multi-record form? It is designed to be used on a single form (the multiple records are irrelevant, because the form itself is unbound and it is used purely as the gateway into database).

Also, the controls in this example need to be unbound -- ie, the control source should not be a table name.

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