I have an excel spreadsheet that connects to a stock brokerage datafeed. One of the data I can get into the spreadsheet is something called 'Historical data'. So to get the historical data for say stock ABC, I have to enter ABC in cell A8 in the 'Historical Data' worksheet in the spreadsheet. I have to then click on this cell to select it, and then click on a macro button labelled 'Request Historical Data'. The data will then be downloaded for stock ABC and displayed in an automatically created worksheet in the spreadsheet. The next cell - A9 automatically gets selected in readiness for if you wanted to request historical data for the next stock in the list. So if cell A9 contained stock XYZ, and you then click the macro button 'Request Historical Data', the historical data for XYZ will be downloaded and displayed in another automatically created worksheet in the spreadsheet. Then the next cell - A10 gets selected, an so it goes on. So basically to get the Historical Data for say 20 stocks, you have to enter the stocks id in cells A8 to A28, and manually click on each cell and manually click on the 'Request Historical Data' macro button one at a time.
One of the things I want to do is to automate this process. So, basically, I click on 'Request Historical Data' button, first cell A8 automatically gets selected, the data gets downloaded, and the next cell A9 automatically gets selected, and the data gets downloaded, and the next cell A10 gets selected, downloaded and so on.
I not well versed in VBA, and I am currently learning it bit by bit. I have looked at the code for the 'Request Historical Data' macro (one of the procedures amongst a host of codes in the spreadsheet). This I ahve copied below. If somebody could look at the code and amend it for what I want it to do, it would be much appreciated. If not, I am attempting to amend it myself, with help from your kind selves.
Now first stage, I am guessing the bit in the code below:
id = ActiveCell.row
is what gets the stock id (eg. ABC, XYZ etc) from the cells. From my understanding of ActiveCell.row, I thought this returns the row number, so in this case for cell A8, the row number will be 8, and id = 8.
So what I did to scroll through the cells was
Dim r As Interger
For r = 8 To 28
id = 8
However, this did not work!
Please, note like I aready stated, I am just starting to learn VBA, so please bear with me. Many thanks.
I have an excel spreadsheet that connects to a stock brokerage datafeed. One of the data I can get into the spreadsheet is something called 'Historical data'. So to get the historical data for say stock ABC, I have to enter ABC in cell A8 in the 'Historical Data' worksheet in the spreadsheet. I have to then click on this cell to select it, and then click on a macro button labelled 'Request Historical Data'. The data will then be downloaded for stock ABC and displayed in an automatically created worksheet in the spreadsheet. The next cell - A9 automatically gets selected in readiness for if you wanted to request historical data for the next stock in the list. So if cell A9 contained stock XYZ, and you then click the macro button 'Request Historical Data', the historical data for XYZ will be downloaded and displayed in another automatically created worksheet in the spreadsheet. Then the next cell - A10 gets selected, an so it goes on. So basically to get the Historical Data for say 20 stocks, you have to enter the stocks id in cells A8 to A28, and manually click on each cell and manually click on the 'Request Historical Data' macro button one at a time.
One of the things I want to do is to automate this process. So, basically, I click on 'Request Historical Data' button, first cell A8 automatically gets selected, the data gets downloaded, and the next cell A9 automatically gets selected, and the data gets downloaded, and the next cell A10 gets selected, downloaded and so on.
I not well versed in VBA, and I am currently learning it bit by bit. I have looked at the code for the 'Request Historical Data' macro (one of the procedures amongst a host of codes in the spreadsheet). This I ahve copied below. If somebody could look at the code and amend it for what I want it to do, it would be much appreciated. If not, I am attempting to amend it myself, with help from your kind selves.
Now first stage, I am guessing the bit in the code below:
id = ActiveCell.row
is what gets the stock id (eg. ABC, XYZ etc) from the cells. From my understanding of ActiveCell.row, I thought this returns the row number, so in this case for cell A8, the row number will be 8, and id = 8.
So what I did to scroll through the cells was
Dim r As Interger
For r = 8 To 28
id = 8
However, this did not work!
Please, note like I aready stated, I am just starting to learn VBA, so please bear with me. Many thanks.
' request historical data
Public Sub RequestHistoricalData_Click()
If Not (objTWSControl Is Nothing) Then
If objTWSControl.m_isConnected Then
Dim id As Long
[B][COLOR=blue] id = ActiveCell.row[/COLOR][/B]
' create contract
Set objTWSControl.m_contractInfo = objTWSControl.m_TWSControl.createContract()
' fill contract structure
With objTWSControl.m_contractInfo
.symbol = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_SYMBOL).column).value)
.secType = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_SECTYPE).column).value)
.expiry = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_EXPIRY).column).value
.Strike = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_STRIKE).column).value
.Right = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_RIGHT).column).value)
.multiplier = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_MULTIPLIER).column).value)
.exchange = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_EXCH).column).value)
.primaryExchange = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_PRIMEXCH).column).value)
.currency = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_CURRENCY).column).value)
.localSymbol = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_LOCALSYMBOL).column).value)
.includeExpired = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_INCLUDEEXPIRED).column).value
End With
' combo legs
If Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_SECTYPE).column).value = SECTYPE_BAG And _
Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_COMBOLEGS).column) <> STR_EMPTY Then
' create combo leg list
objTWSControl.m_contractInfo.ComboLegs = objTWSControl.m_TWSControl.createComboLegList()
' parse combo legs string
Call Util.ParseComboLegsIntoStruct(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_COMBOLEGS).column).value, objTWSControl.m_contractInfo.ComboLegs)
End If
' under comp
If Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_SECTYPE).column).value = SECTYPE_BAG And _
Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_UNDERCOMP).column) <> STR_EMPTY Then
' create under comp
objTWSControl.m_contractInfo.underComp = objTWSControl.m_TWSControl.createUnderComp()
' parse under comp info
Call Util.ParseUnderCompIntoStruct(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_UNDERCOMP).column).value, objTWSControl.m_contractInfo.underComp)
End If
' query specification
Dim endDateTime As String, duration As String, barSize As String, whatToShow As String
Dim useRTH As Long
Dim formatDate As Long
endDateTime = STR_EMPTY
duration = STR_EMPTY
barSize = STR_EMPTY
whatToShow = STR_EMPTY
useRTH = True
formatDate = 1
If Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_ENDDATETIME).column).value <> STR_EMPTY Then
endDateTime = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_ENDDATETIME).column).value)
endDateTime = Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD HH:mm:SS") + " GMT"
End If
duration = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_DURATION).column).value)
barSize = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_BARSIZE).column).value
whatToShow = UCase(Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_WHATTOSHOW).column).value)
useRTH = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_RTHONLY).column).value
formatDate = Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_DATEFORMAT).column).value
' call reqHistoricalDataEx method
Call objTWSControl.m_TWSControl.reqHistoricalDataEx(id + ID_HISTDATA, objTWSControl.m_contractInfo, endDateTime, duration, barSize, whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate)
Cells(id, Columns(COLUMN_STATUS).column).value = STR_PROCESSING
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End If
End If
End Sub