Adapt IF AND ISBLANK formula combination in relation to UNIQUE FILTER on another sheet


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Apr 27, 2022
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Hello, my next question has to do with a formula in column QUOTE that will be checked by a UNIQUE FILTER formula and printed on a separate sheet. It currently checks if the two publishers have blank cells and prints the number 1 if they do, and 0 if they don't.

If possible, I would like to adapt the formula so that it also checks IF column TO ORDER =0, AND columns N:Q are blank (because the textbooks aren't from the two direct order publishers, and when there are no quantities there's no need for the suppliers to offer prices either) and prints 0; otherwise it should print 1 if there are entries in columns P:Q:

3YearCodeTitleMinorLecturerTextbookAuthorPublisherISBNQuantityInstructorIn stockTO ORDERCENGAGEPEARSONSUPPLIER1SUPPLIER2QUOTESupplier FinalPrice FinalAvailabilityTrackingCOSTARRIVED #
41CS121Computer Organization and ArchitectureName SurnameComputer Organization and ArchitectureMcGraw-Hill51601 $ -$ -
51CS122Programming and Problem Solving IIName SurnameProgramming and Problem Solving IIPearson5106$ 50.000PEARSON$ 50.00$ 300.00
61CS123Discrete MathematicsName SurnameDiscrete MathematicsCENGAGE5106$ 60.000CENGAGE$ 60.00$ 360.00
71CS124Discrete MathematicsName SurnameDiscrete MathematicsCENGAGE5106$ 60.000CENGAGE$ 60.00$ 360.00
81CS124Discrete MathematicsName SurnameDiscrete MathematicsWiley5106$ 50.00$ 40.001SUPPLIER2$ 40.00$ 240.00
Cell Formulas
J4:J8J4=IF(F4="No textbook",0,(COUNTIFS('ORDER CALCULATIONS MINOR COLUMNS.xlsx'!Table1[Major],"Computer Science",'ORDER CALCULATIONS MINOR COLUMNS.xlsx'!Table1[Minor],"-",'ORDER CALCULATIONS MINOR COLUMNS.xlsx'!Table1[Year],"1")))
K4:K8K4=IF(F4="No textbook",0,COUNTIF(E4,"<>"))
S4:S8S4=IFERROR(FILTER($N$3:$Q$3, ($N4:$Q4 = T4) * ($N4:$Q4 <> "")), "")
Named Ranges
NameRefers ToCells
Cells with Conditional Formatting
CellConditionCell FormatStop If True
P8:Q8Other TypeColor scaleNO
S1:S8Cell Valuecontains "SUPPLIER2"textNO
S1:S8Cell Valuecontains "SUPPLIER1"textNO
F2:F8,T1Cell Valuecontains "No textbook"textNO
P4:Q4Other TypeColor scaleNO
J4:J8,M4:M8,W4:W8Cell Value=0textNO
H4:H8,S4:S8Cell Valuecontains "CENGAGE"textNO
H4:H8,S4:S8Cell Valuecontains "PEARSON"textNO
A4:O4,A5:X7,R4:X4,A8:O8,R8:X8Expression=$U4="Temporarily unavailable"textNO
A4:O4,A5:X7,R4:X4,A8:O8,R8:X8Expression=$U4="Print on demand"textNO
A4:O4,A5:X7,R4:X4,A8:O8,R8:X8Expression=$U4="Out of print"textNO

Then, I would like to adapt the UNIQUE FILTER formula on another sheet so that it only prints the textbooks that have quantities - so, to ignore zeroes.

1YearCodeCourseMinorLecturerTextbookAuthorPublisherISBNQuantityInstructor copyIn stockTo order
21CS121Computer Organization and Architecture0Name SurnameComputer Organization and Architecture0McGraw-Hill05160
31CS124Discrete Mathematics0Name SurnameDiscrete Mathematics0Wiley05106
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.

I know I can convert the range to table in the second sheet and hide zeroes by filtering the table, but I would prefer to adapt the formula so that it never prints the books with 0 quantities in the first place. Can this be done and how?

Excel Facts

Did you know Excel offers Filter by Selection?
Add the AutoFilter icon to the Quick Access Toolbar. Select a cell containing Apple, click AutoFilter, and you will get all rows with Apple
Looking at some of the other formulas I was suggested by forum members and applied to my table, I found that multiplying the ISBLANK formula with the results of the column TO ORDER gives the result I need: if the quantity in Q is zero, the value in QUOTE will also be zero. Consequently, the UNIQUE FILTER will not print that row in the QUOTE worksheet.

Excel Formula:

I still need to work out how to achieve the same in the publishers' sheets, as they are looking into column Publisher. I will most likely need to add a second condition.
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Your original IF/AND/ISBLANK could be rewritten somewhat shorter as
Excel Formula:
...since ISBLANK will accept a range reference and return an array of TRUEs and FALSES, and AND will examine that array and return a single result that is either TRUE or FALSE (if any are FALSE, then return FALSE, otherwise return TRUE), and then that single result is coerced to 1 or 0 with the double unary operation (--).

But I am not clear about what you mean by this:
checks IF column TO ORDER =0, AND columns N:Q are blank (because the textbooks aren't from the two direct order publishers, and when there are no quantities there's no need for the suppliers to offer prices either) and prints 0; otherwise it should print 1 if there are entries in columns P:Q
If you want to check that all four cells N:Q are blank AND that TO ORDER=0 (in column M), and you want to flip the answer to a 0 in that case, then:
Excel Formula:
But your 2nd post above seems to ignore P:Q, hence my confusion.
As for the QUOTE sheet output, where you've said this...
I would like to adapt the UNIQUE FILTER formula on another sheet so that it only prints the textbooks that have quantities
I don't see where the issue is. The following formula only prints unique rows where QUOTE is 1. Isn't that what you want?
Excel Formula:
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Your original IF/AND/ISBLANK could be rewritten somewhat shorter as
Excel Formula:
...since ISBLANK will accept a range reference and return an array of TRUEs and FALSES, and AND will examine that array and return a single result that is either TRUE or FALSE (if any are FALSE, then return FALSE, otherwise return TRUE), and then that single result is coerced to 1 or 0 with the double unary operation (--).

But I am not clear about what you mean by this:

If you want to check that all four cells N:Q are blank AND that TO ORDER=0 (in column M), and you want to flip the answer to a 0 in that case, then:
Excel Formula:
But your 2nd post above seems to ignore P:Q, hence my confusion.
As for the QUOTE sheet output, where you've said this...

I don't see where the issue is. The following formula only prints unique rows where QUOTE is 1. Isn't that what you want?
Excel Formula:
Hi, I've been trying out different things and adding columns to see what the best configuration is, so it's possible I missed to to update some formulas. I just boarded a train for a weekend trip, so I can't check my sheet in detail but I can try to explain what I need.

I think the QUOTE sheet is ok, but the other two sheets with direct order publishers is a bit tricky. It refers to the Publisher column instead of the QUOTE one, with 1s and 0s. I tried adding that reference as well, but ir doesn't seem to be doing anything, since it prints books even if the total quantity is 0. I'll be at my destination in a few hours so I'll be able to check.
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Thanks, post back with details on what conditions need to be considered on the Publisher worksheet...which apparently references the Publisher column H on the Listing worksheet and probably some other cells.
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Thanks, post back with details on what conditions need to be considered on the Publisher worksheet...which apparently references the Publisher column H on the Listing worksheet and probably some other cells.
Alright, I am at my computer now, and have been going through a more complete workbook with added columns so I took the time to check if I had made a mistake somewhere. I have also deleted all the test files and limited everything to just that one workbook to avoid confusion. Let me see how this looks like when I apply it to the cells and then I'll go back and answer each question.
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Your original IF/AND/ISBLANK could be rewritten somewhat shorter as
Excel Formula:
...since ISBLANK will accept a range reference and return an array of TRUEs and FALSES, and AND will examine that array and return a single result that is either TRUE or FALSE (if any are FALSE, then return FALSE, otherwise return TRUE), and then that single result is coerced to 1 or 0 with the double unary operation (--).

But I am not clear about what you mean by this:

If you want to check that all four cells N:Q are blank AND that TO ORDER=0 (in column M), and you want to flip the answer to a 0 in that case, then:
Excel Formula:
But your 2nd post above seems to ignore P:Q, hence my confusion.
As for the QUOTE sheet output, where you've said this...

I don't see where the issue is. The following formula only prints unique rows where QUOTE is 1. Isn't that what you want?
Excel Formula:
OK, so both

Excel Formula:


Excel Formula:

seem to give the wrong result.

The reasoning is the following: if the publishers in column L Publisher are CENGAGE or Pearson, the formula in column V QUOTE must give the answer 0 so it is not printed in the sheet QUOTE for which the formula is

Excel Formula:

This will get me all the non-CENGAGE and non-Pearson textbooks on that sheet, which I can then send to suppliers and ask for a price quote. Then I go to CENGAGE and PEARSON sheets for which I use the formulas

Excel Formula:


Excel Formula:

Those I can send to each respective publisher and ask for the price quote.

But for the quantities to be correct, I also need to take into account leftover copies already in stock, and decrease the final order by those numbers. Columns in row 6: N Quantity, O Additional (meant for instructor or library), P In stock, Q Order contain 20 - 1 - 0 - 21. If I change In stock from 0 to say 22, that will bring down the Order to 0 due to formula

Excel Formula:

That should trigger the number in column V QUOTE to change from 1 to 0. In column H Course there is a 2-semester course. I changed the in stock quantity to 22 to trigger the total to 0. The Pearson sheet still shows that it was printed there, even though the final quantity is 0 and does not need to be ordered (I highlighted it yellow to be more noticeable). Have I missed anything I should still answer?
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The QUOTE formula I offered checks only if all of those cells (N:Q and M) are blank based on this statement in your first post:
I would like to adapt the formula so that it also checks IF column TO ORDER =0, AND columns N:Q are blank
It sounds like you have moved some things around on the worksheet so the column references are now different, as my version reflects your first post with QUOTE in column R...I'm guessing everything in my sheet needs to be shifted to the right by 4 columns. And you are describing some additional logic that involves looking at the Publisher column (I believe col L in your current version...col H in the original version). With that said, I do not understand the complete set of rules you want to apply. You've mentioned now something about
IF PUBLISHER = Pearson OR Cengage THEN QUOTE=0 ELSE ??? Where does the checking for blanks occur, and under what conditions?
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The QUOTE formula I offered checks only if all of those cells (N:Q and M) are blank based on this statement in your first post:

It sounds like you have moved some things around on the worksheet so the column references are now different, as my version reflects your first post with QUOTE in column R...I'm guessing everything in my sheet needs to be shifted to the right by 4 columns. And you are describing some additional logic that involves looking at the Publisher column (I believe col L in your current version...col H in the original version). With that said, I do not understand the complete set of rules you want to apply. You've mentioned now something about
IF PUBLISHER = Pearson OR Cengage THEN QUOTE=0 ELSE ??? Where does the checking for blanks occur, and under what conditions?
Apologies, I came down with a fever on Friday evening and was completely out of it for a while. I am back on my feet and can continue working on this.

Right, there were some additional columns and some editing based on the comments on other posts, since I have formulas that all depend on each other. Basically, for this one what I need is this: in the LISTING worksheet, the
Excel Formula:
formula looks into the columns containing prices from two direct order publishers (Cengage and Pearson) and two local suppliers (offering prices for all other publishers).

PublisherISBNQuantityAdditionalIn stockORDERCENGAGEPEARSONSUPPLIER1SUPPLIER2QUOTESupplier FinalPrice final
McGraw-Hill9781260565911201021$ 40.00$ 50.001SUPPLIER1$ 40.00
Pearson9780273793243201220$ 50.000$ -
Pearson9781292233703201165$ 50.000PEARSON$ 50.00
CENGAGE9781473768048231024$ 50.000CENGAGE$ 50.00

Book in row 6L is neither Cengage nor Pearson, so the two suppliers can compete for it and offer their prices.
Book in row 7L is a Pearson book, so only Pearson can offer the price for it.
Book in row 9L is a Cengage book, so only Cengage can offer the price for it.

Before, I would copy and paste these rows to a new workbook depending on which publisher the textbook belonged to so I can send the price queries for them. I would then enter the prices, submit the entire thing to the management for review. They would decide whether they want to negotiate with the direct order publishers on the prices or accept as they are, and which of the two suppliers sent a better offer for all the other publishers.

Now I use the UNIQUE FILTER formula to split the publishers to three distinct sheets: one for Cengage, one for Pearson, and one for every other publisher - this one is sent to the two suppliers.

I wasn't able to sort the Listing sheet because the entire sheet contains all the departments ordered by years, and after each year I'd have a row where I would calculate the price for that student package (column X Price final) and the total cost for that year (column AA COST). Then I would have an extra row for that department, adding up all the total costs for all years within that department. That meant that no sorting could take place. What I am attempting now is to have a REPORTS sheet where I could draw that information into and provide it that way, without having to insert those extra rows. But that's a question for another thread.

To go back to the IF AND ISBLANK and UNIQUE FILTER:

Excel Formula:

Excel Formula:

When the ORDER quantity in column Q for publishers offered by suppliers is zero, the number in the QUOTE column turns to zero as well, and the row is not printed on the QUOTE sheet that will go to suppliers. This is correct behavior.

Excel Formula:
Excel Formula:

Using the same formula but changing the criteria to look into column L Publisher the formula prints all the books, even those that have zero quantity. But I want it to take into consideration column V QUOTE as well, and not print anything that has a 0 in that column. I tried this

Excel Formula:

but that still prints all the textbooks of these two publishers even though the quantity is zero books to order.

How do I adapt the UNIQUE FILTER formula so that it only prints Cenage or Pearson to their respective sheets if the result in QUOTE column is zero?
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I don't follow your point here:
Excel Formula:
formula looks into the columns containing prices from two direct order publishers (Cengage and Pearson) and two local suppliers (offering prices for all other publishers).
That formula looks at values on the same row in columns R,S, and Q. The first two (R and S) are associated with the Direct Order publishers (incidentally, you mentioned these column contain "prices", but the table doesn't say anything about price...only a might consider changing the column titles to say something about "Price"). The last variable in the equation is found in column Q, and represents a quantity needed to "Order", and that depends on columns N, O, and P. From what I can tell, none of these references look at the columns associated with the two local suppliers (columns T and U). Am I missing something?

Incidentally, this formula (if it really is supposed to look only at R,S, and Q) can be trimmed down to this:
Excel Formula:
=--AND(ISBLANK(R4:S4),Q4<>0) deliver the same result. But I question whether this formula is what you really want. My understanding is that you want to proceed like this:
  1. For a variety of different textbooks shown in each row in column J, determine the number of additional copies of the textbook that should be ordered (column Q) based on the quantity of textbooks needed by students and instructor (sum of columns N and O) compared to the quantity of textbooks currently in stock (column P).
  2. For cases where the number of textbooks to Order (column Q) is >0, the Publisher (col. L) needs to be considered, as books from Cengage and Pearson need to be ordered exclusively and directly from those publishers. If this is true, then why would the Quote formula for a Pearson book require that the Price fields for both Cengage and Pearson be blank? Is it because you don't have a price from the relevant publisher yet...and that is why you are doing this step? I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish here. For a Pearson book, you would expect a price to be shown for Pearson (under col. S), but the formula used will automatically generate a 0 under the Quote that intended? Are you using the Quote column to flag which rows have no price upon which to make a purchasing decision?
To me, it looks as if you want to determine the lowest price available for a book in column X (is that correct?). Are there ever any cases when either Cengage or Pearson offer prices on a book whose publisher is someone else (e.g. might McGraw-Hill hold publishing rights for a hardcover version of a book and Pearson offer the softcover which case you might have prices for both?). Rather than make the low price determination dependent on whether Order<>0 (col. Q), have you considered using a filter to evaluate all prices available, regardless of what quantity is in the Order column, except make the formula more direct? By "more direct", I mean to explicitly require that Pearson books use the Pearson price, Cengage books use the Cengage price, and for any other publishers' books, the lowest offering from Supplier1 and Supplier2 is taken. This is reflected in a new formula in col. X.
I wasn't able to sort the Listing sheet because the entire sheet contains all the departments ordered by years, and after each year I'd have a row where I would calculate the price for that student package (column X Price final) and the total cost for that year (column AA COST). Then I would have an extra row for that department, adding up all the total costs for all years within that department. That meant that no sorting could take place.
Generally, I try to keep the foundational data together, organized in such a way to make it easy to sort, filter, extract, etc. If you do this, then anything that is derivative (such as subtotals by year, publisher, etc.) can be easily done with formulas, pivot tables, etc. elsewhere, but not in the foundational data set. Inserting those derivative rows directly into the data table is often done, it's intuitive and seems to make good sense, but doing so often causes problems with subsequent analysis. You may be able to extract the information you want using a formula that excludes those extra rows, provided those rows contain something in common (perhaps the words "yearly total"?) that would allow them to be filtered out.

How do I adapt the UNIQUE FILTER formula so that it only prints Cenage or Pearson to their respective sheets if the result in QUOTE column is zero?
You need to multiply all of the filtering conditional arrays together since they represent a logical AND condition. In other words, you want Publisher="CENGAGE" AND Quote<>0 (note this last expression is the opposite of what you want to consider entries where the Quote value is not 0, and exclude those entries where Quote=0), so...
(Listing!L:L="CENGAGE")*(Listing!V:V<>0), but I wouldn't recommend doing this as a full column operation. Instead, choose some reasonable size for your range references. A lot has been written about this practice...for example, see:

...not print anything that has a 0 in that column that it only prints Cenage or Pearson to their respective sheets if the result in QUOTE column is zero

Once again, you are sending a confusing message. The Quote formula in column V appears to be intended for cases where you need pricing information from a vendor, and in those cases, the formula in col. V shows a 1 (and since the col. V formula returns only 0 or 1, the equivalent filter would either say Quote=1 or Quote<>0). In the small example below, I used Data Validation to create a cell (L12) that allows for the selection of either Cengage, Pearson, or Other. The Filter formula in J15 spill results from the main table to show the relevant entries that have a Quote (col. V) value of 1.
Book5 (version 1)_20231208.xlsx
3TextbookAuthorPublisherISBNQuantityAdditionalIn stockORDERCENGAGEPEARSONSUPPLIER1SUPPLIER2QUOTESupplier FinalPrice FinalAvailabilityTrackingCOSTARRIVED #
4Computer Organization and ArchitectureaMcGraw-Hill516050500SUPPLIER1, SUPPLIER2500
5Programming and Problem Solving IIbPearson510650500Pearson50300
6Programming and Problem Solving IIbPearson51061Pearsonno priceno price
7Discrete MathematicscCENGAGE510660500Cengage60360
8Discrete MathematicsdCENGAGE51061Cengageno priceno price
9Discrete MathematicseWiley51061 no priceno price
12Choose PUBLISHER at rightOther
14TextbookAuthorPublisherISBNQuantityAdditionalIn stockORDER
15Discrete MathematicseWiley05106
Cell Formulas
W4:W9W4=TEXTJOIN(", ",,IF(L4="Cengage","Cengage",IF(L4="Pearson","Pearson",FILTER($R$3:$U$3,R4:U4=X4,""))))
X4:X9X4=LET(p,IF(L4="Cengage",R4,IF(L4="Pearson",S4,MIN(FILTER(T4:U4,T4:U4>0,0)))),IF(p=0,"no price",p))
O5:O7,O9O5=IF(J5="No textbook",0,COUNTIF(I5,"<>"))
AA4:AA9AA4=IFERROR(Q4*X4,"no price")
Dynamic array formulas.
Cells with Data Validation
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