I am trying to give the ability to easily add extra parts templates on this report by the use of a form button (not activex)
Basically each part has a range of about 6 rows (part name, part number, disposition, comments, etc).
Right now I have a "template" typed into Range A1000 to I10005 which is named "Extra Parts". In the code I have written, that range is unhidden, then copied, and supposed to be pasted after the last part on the sheet(offset of 2,0) I cannot use the end(xldown) because there are some blank cells for part names to be added so I have to use end(xlup) but even if I re-hide the "Extra Parts" Range it still sees that as input and inserts the additional template after that. I hope I'm making some sense here.
I even tried saying "Range("A999").End(xlup) in hopes that it would start from there but it didn't work.
Here is the code I have now:
Any ideas? I also tried putting the template on a hidden sheet but that screws up multiple other codes I have so it is not really an option at the moment.
Basically each part has a range of about 6 rows (part name, part number, disposition, comments, etc).
Right now I have a "template" typed into Range A1000 to I10005 which is named "Extra Parts". In the code I have written, that range is unhidden, then copied, and supposed to be pasted after the last part on the sheet(offset of 2,0) I cannot use the end(xldown) because there are some blank cells for part names to be added so I have to use end(xlup) but even if I re-hide the "Extra Parts" Range it still sees that as input and inserts the additional template after that. I hope I'm making some sense here.
I even tried saying "Range("A999").End(xlup) in hopes that it would start from there but it didn't work.
Here is the code I have now:
Sub AddExtraParts()
Dim RunCount As Long
Const RunMax As Long = 10
howmany = InputBox("Enter number of parts to be added.", "Add Additional Parts.")
For RunCount = 1 To howmany
Call AddExtraPartsSub
End Sub
Sub AddExtraPartsSub()
With Sheets("Additional Parts")
.Range("ExtraParts").EntireRow.Hidden = False
.Range("ExtraParts").EntireRow.Hidden = True
.Range("A65530").End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End With
End Sub
Any ideas? I also tried putting the template on a hidden sheet but that screws up multiple other codes I have so it is not really an option at the moment.
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