Add file sizes together


Active Member
Feb 23, 2002
I have several files of different sizes. Is it possible to open the folder in Windows Explorer, copy the files, including the sizes, and Paste Special>Text into Excel?

When I select all the files in a folder, it selects the name. When I copy, I am pretty sure it is copying the entire file. I don't want to copy the files, I want to copy the data details.

The folder contains .jpg images, I just want to transfer the file size into Excel, not the actual images.

Thanks for any way to capture this information. BTW, I am using Windows XP and Excel 2003.


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if you just want to insert the filename and size into a sheet try the following, it is set to just include JPEG files, and does not go further than the current folder level you set.

With a bit more code you can traverse down folders and subfolders

This will start in cell A1 and insert filename with size in B1 and move down as more files are found

Sub GetFileSizeInfo()

Dim FSO As Object, f As Object, Path As String
Dim CurrentRow As Range

Path = "E:\256 card"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set CurrentRow = Range("A1")

For Each f In FSO.GetFolder(Path).Files
If f.Type = "JPEG Image" Then
CurrentRow.Value = f.Name
CurrentRow.Offset(0, 1).Value = f.Size
Set CurrentRow = CurrentRow.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End Sub
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Thank you both

I am constantly amazed with the talent at this site.

I downloaded the Shell File and it worked great. I'll try the code in a few days.

Thank you very much for the guidance.

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