Adding time interval to time


New Member
Sep 25, 2006

I have a start time and then subsequent time intervals for each sample of reading that I am taking. I want to add the absolute start time to my time interval to have absoute time with each reading.

Also i need to make macro out of it so that each time user opens file he gets all the calculations done.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

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Hi, pooj_malh
Welcome to the Board !!!!!

you can add up times just by using "+"
symbolic overwiew (this is not a real formula not code)
startTime + elapsedTime = endTime

to my sense there is more info needed to help

each time user opens file
a little experiment to do
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
MsgBox "hello," & vbLf & "the time is: " & Time
End Sub
1. Rightclick the little Excel-icon on the topleft of your page just beside the Filemenu
2. Select "View Code" in drop down menu
3. VBE window will open ... paste code in and exit VBE

kind regards,
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Excel Add times

Hey Eric ,
Thanks a lot for the reply.

Let me make things little more simpler.
This is time
Time 00:28.4
Paste it in Excel and you ll be able to find out.

And I have time intervals in ms

I want to add both of these and get the absolute time.

Thanks and regards
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I suppose you meant
0.001 seconds and not 0.001 ms

see this example
the values in A2 an A3 are supposed to be seconds: when you would add them up like they are displayed, Excel coniders them as part of a day
Therefore you need to divide those values by 24*60*60=86400

1 00:28,4   
2 0,001     
3 0,002     
4 00:28,403 


[Table-It] version 06 by Erik Van Geit
RANGE FORMULA (1st cell)
A4    =A1+SUM(A2:A3)/86400

[Table-It] version 06 by Erik Van Geit
format the result cell (in this case A4) as mm:ss,000

getting further ?

best regards,
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hey Eric
sorry for the incomplete reply...I think I need to put in some thing in place of "1st Cell"

I am not sure abt it

Let me know if you need more details

Thanks again
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there is no code

1. did you try to paste something of my post somewhere in a macro ??

2. some display formulas in "code"tags
so do I and so does my Add-In "Table-It"
the reason is that some formulas are interpreted by the Board-language-system as htmlTags: then formulas are displaying wrong

3. conclusion: I gave you a formula to paste in cell A4

4. admitted sometimes others think they should use code, I hope some day the Board will have "formula"tags

best regards,
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Well I
1) right clicked the excel symbol on the left corner
2)Pasted the piece of formula and closed the window.
3)Then i reloaded my file ..nothing happened.
4)So i opened the VBA and tried debugging the formula.

I really appreciate the help that you are providing. I am really sorry for creating any misunderstandings.

I ll try all the pieces of information that you gave and get back to you

Thanks and regards
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now I see
you are talking about the workbook_open code, while I'm talking about the table + formula I sent

let's be clear ...

your question has 2 parts
1. formula part
your words:
Paste it in Excel and you ll be able to find out.
paste my table in your sheet and the formula in A4
I hope you read my explanation of the formula
2. code when workbook opens
paste only the code
Private Sub Workbook_Open() 
MsgBox "hello," & vbLf & "the time is: " & Time 
End Sub
when the workbook opens you should get a messagebox

when you can make both parts to work, when can focus on applying all this to your project
(so it's important you forget your project for a while to make the basics work: then we can elaborate)

best regards,
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Thanks Eric,

I try all this and keep tring until it works.

I am really grateful to you.

Thanks for your time and consideration


Trying the formula.........................will be back when problem is beyond my scope of knowledge
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