Three options are shown by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the right side of the name box: the active cell's address, (e.g. "C6") "print area" or "_Worldox". Worldox is a software system my firm uses to open (save, save as, etc) Excel and Word files instead of the Microsoft's normal file-open feature. Anyway, in all of the spreadsheet's cells, except one, the cell address shows in the name box. When one cell is active (C6 if it matters), "_Worldox" appears in the name box. Click on the drop down arrow and the only other option is "print area".
Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix the spreadsheet so C6 appears in the name box when cell C6 is active?
Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix the spreadsheet so C6 appears in the name box when cell C6 is active?