Advanced Filter


New Member
May 15, 2006
I searched for Advanced Filter threads and none have answered my problem
Ive looked up Microsoft Office Assistant and followed the steps but it doesn't seem to be working.

I have a file containing rows of data, one of the columns contains the owners name. Seperatly (on a different sheet) I have a column of names.
I want to use advance filter to go through the main datasheet and pull out the ones that have an owner name that appears in the list of names.

When I tried an AutoFilter it allowed me to enter 2 names and the filter worked.
I tried setting up an Advanced filter but it returns the Column headers (owner name, company name, etc) and all the rows. So no filtering is being done.

So my question is, what exactly goes into the 3 range boxes? Do you include the headings in the List Range and Criteria Range? In Criteria range do I just include the column being checked against (in this case the list of names) or do I need to do something else?

Thanks for any input

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The Criteria range must include the column heading and it must be identical to the column heading in the data range. In the data range include all the data plus the column heading. In the criteria range include all the criteria names and the heading.
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Thanks for the reply

I included all the data and heading in both List range and criteria range
Both lists have identical headings
It returns an unfiltered table

My test criteria is ="=john Doe" and ="=mary Doe" written in G2 and G3 respectivly. The criteria 'table' is blank apart from the headers and these 2 values.

Any ideas?
Thanks again
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No difference, I get exactly the same output with no filtering.
I must be missing something simple

in my sheet3 line 1 has the headers for criteria
in one of the columns underneath the owner name heading i have the list of names as simple strings
In my Sheet RawData row 2 has the exact same headers
and underneath that is the 40 or so lines of test data

I try copy the filtered data to the sheet under the criteria but it doesn't filter at all, just copies what I have.
Anyone have any ideas on what I may have missed?

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I resolved the issue, thanks for your help

The error seemed to be as al result of me including empty rows in my criteria selection.

Thanks again
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