Okay, so I have a dictionary whose items are arrays of doubles.
I cannot figure out how to change a value of an array within my dictionary. Here's a simplified example:
When I run that sub I expect to see 42, but I see the original value of 15.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I cannot figure out how to change a value of an array within my dictionary. Here's a simplified example:
Sub Test()
Dim TestDict As New Dictionary
Dim ThisArray() As Integer
ReDim ThisArray(3)
For i = 1 To UBound(ThisArray)
ThisArray(i) = i + 14
Next i
TestDict.Add "ThisArray!", ThisArray
MsgBox TestDict("ThisArray!")(1)
TestDict("ThisArray!")(1) = 42
MsgBox TestDict("ThisArray!")(1)
End Sub
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.