Legacy 93538
I am trying to create an array which loops through the array and for each value in it, it places in the cell of row 1 and go along the columns for value in the array. Currently i have written:
However this only puts them into the first cell of the sheet. But i need it to place each value in the array in a new column going along row 1. So for eaxmple it will look like this:
InputReference Department Category Section DeptVisible......
Does anyone know why the code i wrote is just putting them in one cell?
I am trying to create an array which loops through the array and for each value in it, it places in the cell of row 1 and go along the columns for value in the array. Currently i have written:
NCol = 1
For Each sht In Array("InputReference", "Department", "Category", "Section", "DeptVisible", "InputReferenceOrder", _
"LineReference", "LineDescription", "InputDescription", "Format", "Currency", "ColPos", "Input", "InPP", _
"FormulaOverwrite", "Seasonal", "Divide", "Equals", "SectionOverwrite", "LineDescriptionOverwrite", _
"LineJumpReference", "LineJumpText", "HelpText", "ValidationOrder", "Benchmark")
PPNewIR.cells(NCol, 1).Value = sht
However this only puts them into the first cell of the sheet. But i need it to place each value in the array in a new column going along row 1. So for eaxmple it will look like this:
InputReference Department Category Section DeptVisible......
Does anyone know why the code i wrote is just putting them in one cell?