assistance with if and choose


Board Regular
Nov 28, 2005
Office Version
  1. 365
  2. 2019
I apparently messed this up and unfortunately saved before I could go back. Any assitance would be greatly appreciated. I had working perfectly earlier today.

g2 = yes or no
r2 always =0 or 1
g41 is a multiplier 2-10
h41 is whatever number i choose
t2 is supposed to come up value (this will always be same regardless of g2 - yes or no
currently formula for t2 = =IF($K2>=$K$44,IF(G2="no",CHOOSE(R2*6+Q2+2,0,0,0,7,100,1000000,4,4,7,100,50000,1000000,$H$41),IF($G2="yes",CHOOSE(R2*6+Q2+1,0,0,0,7,100,1000000,4,4,7,100,50000,1000000,$H$41),0)),"")
so for example if q2 =5 and r2= 0 then total for t2=1,000000 - which it does - again I realize I need to clean code which I believe would be just to take the if g2 portions out. Which I can do.

T2 appears to be working.

My issue is with u2. Only values placed in u column will be if g2=yes based on multiplier in g41 basically I need exact format as above. Here is what I did for u2

Issue is that you will see in this example that it always returns a negative # if g2=yes So in this example q2=5 and r2=0 I want total to be without multiplier in t2 always and use multiplier MINUS value from t2 for u2 for example you will see if choose = 1000000*2 if multiplier instead of normal multiplier. So 1,000000 would be in t2 and 1,000000 since I am trying to subtract u2-t2, but currently it shows 1000000 (which is what I want, but based on *2 other 1,000000 needs to be in u2.

I also need assistance figuring a way that if u2=h41 then t2 will always = 0 or "" within the t2 formula.
Again I appreciate all of the learning from this site, and always appreciate the assistance!

Thank you,

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Spent most of night pulling hair out! Issue is that you will see in this example that it always returns a negative # in u2 if g2=yes So in this example q2=5 and r2=0 I want total to be without multiplier in t2 always and use multiplier, except for this choose MINUS value from t2 for u2 for example you will see if choose = 1000000*2 if multiplier instead of normal multiplier. So 1,000000 would be in t2 and 1,000000 in u2 since I am trying to subtract u2-t2, but currently it shows 1000000 in t2 (which is what I want, but based on *2 other 1,000000 needs to be in u2.

I also need assistance figuring a way that if u2=h41 then t2 (q2=5 and r2=1, cause it will be amount of of h41)will always = 0 or "" within the u2 formula.
Again I appreciate all of the learning from this site, and always appreciate the assistance!
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