I have this problem too,
The filter "works" for more than 1,000 records, but the drop combos are only populated by the first 1,000 or so unique values.
Try using the advanced filter, and have the criteria range be all of the fields that were part of the autofilter, but located elsewhere.
If you want to get fancy, you could you the advanced filter to make lists of unique values from the records, and the have drop combos where the feild headings for the data set are be populated from these unique value lists.
Then have the drop combos linked to your criteria range for a "main" advanced-filter on the main data-set.
HTH,<EMBED width="110" height="61" src="http://www.liquid2k.com/dacypha/sig2/Corticus.swf"></EMBED>
This message was edited by Corticus on 2002-10-08 12:45