AutoFill Method of Rang Class Failed Error


Board Regular
Aug 4, 2010
Hi All,

I have been using the following code to Autofill multiple rows at once and have used it multiple times but i am not getting an error
Dim LastA As Long, LastG As Long
    LastA = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    LastG = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastA).AutoFill _
        Destination:=Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastG)

I am needing the code to copy from the last row between columns A to F (Contains formula) as far down as the end of Column G. Column G is always longer as data is pasted into this cell from previous code.

When i run the above it works perfect in that it autofills all columns to the correct row level of G however once its finished i recieve the error appear on screen.
"Run-Time Error '1004':
AutoFill method of Range class failed"

Even if i add other macros linked into it i.e
Sub AutofillNiacs()
' Autofill formula Niacs
Dim LastA As Long, LastG As Long
    LastA = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    LastG = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastA).AutoFill _
        Destination:=Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastG)
Sheets(Array("NiacsDay", "NiacsUpdate")).Select
    ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
End Sub

This full code will run to the end and do what it needs and then the error message will pop up.

Within the spreadsheet i have the same code used a number of times an none give the error.

Any help would be great thanks


Excel Facts

Return population for a City
If you have a list of cities in A2:A100, use Data, Geography. Then =A2.Population and copy down.
I think that this may be the cause

Sheets(Array("NiacsDay", "NiacsUpdate")).Select
    ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False

If either or both of those sheets are hidden then you'll get a 1004 error when you try to select them. Try instead

Sheets(Array("NiacsDay", "NiacsUpdate")).Visible = False
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Hi VoG,

Cheers for looking at my issue
unfortunatley i am still getting the same issue and Excel still highlights

Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastA).AutoFill _
        Destination:=Range("A" & LastA & ":F" & LastG)

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Searched on the web and still unable to find any solution -
if anybody else has any ideas - let me know

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