Hi there,
This has really foxed me, I have part of a macro that filters a table in Excel 2007, to only show the relevant data for that week, last week it was working fine but now it has decided to start showing 2 weeks of data even though the filter specifies just one date. Here is a snippet of my code.
This code now leaves the table filtered on 11/03/2011 and 04/03/2011, 11th and 4th March whereas last week it worked fine filtering on 04/03/2011 (it is supposed to be a couple of weeks behind) I could understand the problem if the UK and US dates could be misinterpreted, i.e if there was a date in the data of 03/11/2011. I have checked the serial numbers of the 2 dates in question and they are 40606 (04/03/2011) and 40613 (11/03/2011).
Please can anybody help this has really flummoxed me.
This has really foxed me, I have part of a macro that filters a table in Excel 2007, to only show the relevant data for that week, last week it was working fine but now it has decided to start showing 2 weeks of data even though the filter specifies just one date. Here is a snippet of my code.
Sub Macro15()
mydate = Range("B2").Value
'This is a date in cell formatted as UK date dd/mm/yyyy or 11/03/2011
mydatestring = Format(mydate, "mm/dd/yyyy")
ActiveSheet.ListObjects( _
"Table_View_Sales_Target_Report").Range. _
AutoFilter Field:=1
ActiveSheet.ListObjects( _
"Table_View_Sales_Target_Report").Range. _
AutoFilter Field:=2
ActiveSheet.ListObjects( _
"Table_View_Sales_Target_Report").Range. _
AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Jon A"
ActiveSheet.ListObjects( _
"Table_View_Sales_Target_Report").Range.AutoFilter _
Field:=2, Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(1, mydatestring)
End Sub
This code now leaves the table filtered on 11/03/2011 and 04/03/2011, 11th and 4th March whereas last week it worked fine filtering on 04/03/2011 (it is supposed to be a couple of weeks behind) I could understand the problem if the UK and US dates could be misinterpreted, i.e if there was a date in the data of 03/11/2011. I have checked the serial numbers of the 2 dates in question and they are 40606 (04/03/2011) and 40613 (11/03/2011).
Please can anybody help this has really flummoxed me.