Automation Error 462 : The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable


New Member
Apr 22, 2014
Hello, this is my first post on this forum. I have a procedure that results in an "Error 462: The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable" message. I know from the following microsoft support posting that it is an automation error by design that is the result of an unqualified object reference. I have searched my code but cannot identify the unqualified reference. I'm hoping someone with fresh eyes or more experience could help me to identify the unqualified reference in the following code.

Here is the link to the microsoft discussion:
Excel automation fails second time code runs

And here you can find the code that I am executing in Excel:

Function CreateEDI(strState As String, Optional strPrintDebug As String = "N") As Boolean
Dim connDB As ADODB.Connection
Dim adoMA_EDI As ADODB.Recordset, adoMA_Transmitter As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strRecord As String, strDB As String, strEDI As String, strFieldValue As String
Dim intFieldCounter As Integer, intArrayCounter As Integer, intRecordCount As Integer
Dim arrEDIFields() As Variant

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
'Disable screen updating to speed process
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Assign the values to arrEDIFields()
ReDim arrEDIFields(1 To 4, 1 To 35)
'arrEDIFields(1,n) = Field Name
'arrEDIFields(2,n) = Number of characters
'arrEDIFields(3,n) = Justification of text(Left/Right)
'arrEDIFields(4,n) = Padding character
arrEDIFields(1, 1) = "RecordIdentifier"
arrEDIFields(2, 1) = 1
arrEDIFields(3, 1) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 1) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 2) = "SequenceNumber"
arrEDIFields(2, 2) = 6
arrEDIFields(3, 2) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 2) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 3) = "PeriodEndDate"
arrEDIFields(2, 3) = 8
arrEDIFields(3, 3) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 3) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 4) = "FEIN"
arrEDIFields(2, 4) = 9
arrEDIFields(3, 4) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 4) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 5) = "FilingEntityCode"
arrEDIFields(2, 5) = 2
arrEDIFields(3, 5) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 5) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 6) = "BusinessName"
arrEDIFields(2, 6) = 30
arrEDIFields(3, 6) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 6) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 7) = "ReturnRecordFlag"
arrEDIFields(2, 7) = 1
arrEDIFields(3, 7) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 7) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 8) = "Non-AlcoholReceipts"
arrEDIFields(2, 8) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 8) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 8) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 9) = "AlcoholReceipts"
arrEDIFields(2, 9) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 9) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 9) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 10) = "GrossReceipts"
arrEDIFields(2, 10) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 10) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 10) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 11) = "ExemptMealsTotal"
arrEDIFields(2, 11) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 11) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 11) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 12) = "TotalTaxableReceipts"
arrEDIFields(2, 12) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 12) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 12) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 13) = "StateTaxRate"
arrEDIFields(2, 13) = 6
arrEDIFields(3, 13) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 13) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 14) = "StateTaxDue"
arrEDIFields(2, 14) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 14) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 14) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 15) = "LocalTaxRate"
arrEDIFields(2, 15) = 6
arrEDIFields(3, 15) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 15) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 16) = "LocalTaxDue"
arrEDIFields(2, 16) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 16) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 16) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 17) = "TotalAmountDue"
arrEDIFields(2, 17) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 17) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 17) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 18) = "PaymentRecord"
arrEDIFields(2, 18) = 1
arrEDIFields(3, 18) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 18) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 19) = "RoutingTransitNumber"
arrEDIFields(2, 19) = 9
arrEDIFields(3, 19) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 19) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 20) = "BankName"
arrEDIFields(2, 20) = 30
arrEDIFields(3, 20) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 20) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 21) = "BankAccountNumber"
arrEDIFields(2, 21) = 18
arrEDIFields(3, 21) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 21) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 22) = "AccountType"
arrEDIFields(2, 22) = "2"
arrEDIFields(3, 22) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 22) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 23) = "PaymentAmount"
arrEDIFields(2, 23) = 12
arrEDIFields(3, 23) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 23) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 24) = "SettlementDate"
arrEDIFields(2, 24) = 8
arrEDIFields(3, 24) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 24) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 25) = "Reserved"
arrEDIFields(2, 25) = 35
arrEDIFields(3, 25) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 25) = " "
'Transmitter Record
arrEDIFields(1, 26) = "FileIdentifier"
arrEDIFields(2, 26) = 6
arrEDIFields(3, 26) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 26) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 27) = "TotalReturnCount"
arrEDIFields(2, 27) = 6
arrEDIFields(3, 27) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 27) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 28) = "TransmitterFEIN"
arrEDIFields(2, 28) = 9
arrEDIFields(3, 28) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 28) = "0"
arrEDIFields(1, 29) = "TransmitterName"
arrEDIFields(2, 29) = 30
arrEDIFields(3, 29) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 29) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 30) = "TransmitterAddress"
arrEDIFields(2, 30) = 30
arrEDIFields(3, 30) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 30) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 31) = "TransmitterCity"
arrEDIFields(2, 31) = 30
arrEDIFields(3, 31) = TextLeft
arrEDIFields(4, 31) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 32) = "TransmitterState"
arrEDIFields(2, 32) = 2
arrEDIFields(3, 32) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 32) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 33) = "TransmitterZip"
arrEDIFields(2, 33) = 5
arrEDIFields(3, 33) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 33) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 34) = "TransmitterZipCodeExtension"
arrEDIFields(2, 34) = 5
arrEDIFields(3, 34) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 34) = " "
arrEDIFields(1, 35) = "TransmitterReserved"
arrEDIFields(2, 35) = 157
arrEDIFields(3, 35) = TextRight
arrEDIFields(4, 35) = " "
'Initialize the record count
intRecordCount = 1
'If the caller asked to produce the debug file
If strPrintDebug = "Y" Then
    'Instantiate the debug workbook
    Dim wkbDebug As Excel.Workbook
    Dim strMyFile As String
    Set wkbDebug = Excel.Workbooks.Add
    strMyFile = "C:\Users\" & GetUserName() & "\Desktop\EDI_Debug"
    'Do not instantiate the debug workbook
End If
'Instantiate the database and connection objects
Set connDB = New ADODB.Connection
Set adoMA_EDI = New ADODB.Recordset
Set adoMA_Transmitter = New ADODB.Recordset
'Set the path to the dbase.
strDB = "C:\Users\csturgis\Desktop\Projects\FoodAndBeverageReturns\Solutions\Access Solutions\Food&Beverage.accdb"
'Open the connection to the DBase.
With connDB
    .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
    .Mode = adModeShareExclusive
    .Open strDB
End With
'Open the recordset "MS_EDI"
With adoMA_EDI
    .ActiveConnection = connDB
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic
    .Open Source:="MA_EDI"
End With
'Open the recordset "MA_EDI_Transmitter"
With adoMA_Transmitter
    .ActiveConnection = connDB
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic
    .Open Source:="MA_EDI_Transmitter"
End With
'Move to the first record in the recordset
'Move through the transmitter recordset, and format each field as specified by the State or Jurisdiction. NOTE: The transmitter recordset should only contain one record
Do While Not adoMA_Transmitter.EOF
    For intFieldCounter = 0 To adoMA_Transmitter.Fields.Count - 1
        For intArrayCounter = 1 To UBound(arrEDIFields, 2)
            Select Case adoMA_Transmitter.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Name
                Case arrEDIFields(1, intArrayCounter)
                    'Remove characters ",", "/", ".", "-" : " " as a test
                    strFieldValue = VBA.CStr(Nz(adoMA_Transmitter.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Value, ""))
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, ",", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, "/", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, ".", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, "-", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, " ", "")
                    strRecord = strRecord & SizeString(strFieldValue, VBA.CLng(arrEDIFields(2, intArrayCounter)), arrEDIFields(3, intArrayCounter), VBA.CStr(arrEDIFields(4, intArrayCounter)))
                    'If caller set strPrintDebug = "Y", then call PrintEDIDebug file
                    If strPrintDebug = "Y" Then Call CreateEDIDebug(Excel.Workbooks(wkbDebug), adoMA_Transmitter.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Name, adoMA_Transmitter.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Value, SizeString(strFieldValue, VBA.CLng(arrEDIFields(2, intArrayCounter)), arrEDIFields(3, intArrayCounter), VBA.CStr(arrEDIFields(4, intArrayCounter))), intRecordCount)
                    GoTo NextField
            End Select
        Next intArrayCounter
    Next intFieldCounter
    'Add a carriage return and a line feed to the end of the record
    strRecord = strRecord & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    'Print this record to a text file
    strEDI = strEDI & strRecord
    'Clear the contents of strRecord
    strRecord = ""
    Debug.Print "Transmitter Record: " & intRecordCount
    intRecordCount = intRecordCount + 1
'Move through each record in the recordset, and format each field as specified by the State or Jurisdiction
Do While Not adoMA_EDI.EOF
    For intFieldCounter = 0 To adoMA_EDI.Fields.Count - 1
        For intArrayCounter = 1 To UBound(arrEDIFields, 2)
            Select Case adoMA_EDI.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Name
                Case arrEDIFields(1, intArrayCounter)
                    strFieldValue = VBA.CStr(Nz(adoMA_EDI.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Value, ""))
                    'Remove characters ",", "/", ".", "-" : " " as a test
                    Select Case (adoMA_EDI.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Name)
                        Case "StateTaxRate":    'Do not remove decimal
                        Case "LocalTaxRate":    'Do not remove decimal
                        Case Else:              strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, ".", "") 'Remove decimals
                    End Select
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, ",", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, "/", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, "-", "")
                    strFieldValue = VBA.Replace(strFieldValue, " ", "")
                    strRecord = strRecord & SizeString(strFieldValue, VBA.CLng(arrEDIFields(2, intArrayCounter)), arrEDIFields(3, intArrayCounter), VBA.CStr(arrEDIFields(4, intArrayCounter)))
                    'If caller set strPrintDebug = "Y", then call PrintEDIDebug file
                    If strPrintDebug = "Y" Then Call CreateEDIDebug(Excel.Workbooks(wkbDebug), adoMA_EDI.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Name, adoMA_EDI.Fields.Item(intFieldCounter).Value, SizeString(strFieldValue, VBA.CLng(arrEDIFields(2, intArrayCounter)), arrEDIFields(3, intArrayCounter), VBA.CStr(arrEDIFields(4, intArrayCounter))), intRecordCount)
                    GoTo NextField1
            End Select
        Next intArrayCounter
    Next intFieldCounter
    'Add a carriage return and a line feed to the end of the record
    strRecord = strRecord & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    'Print this record to a text file
    strEDI = strEDI & strRecord
    'Clear the contents of strRecord
    strRecord = ""
    Debug.Print "Store Record: " & intRecordCount
    intRecordCount = intRecordCount + 1
'Write the entire string to a text file
Call WriteEDIToFile(strEDI)
'Enable screen updating to normal mode
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'If call set strPrintDebug = "Y" then close and destroy the workbook object
If strPrintDebug = "Y" Then
    Excel.Workbooks(wkbDebug).SaveAs Filename:=strMyFile
    Excel.Workbooks(wkbDebug).Close SaveChanges:=True
    Set Excel.Workbooks(wkbDebug) = Nothing
End If
'Close both the recordset and the dbase connection.
If Not adoMA_EDI Is Nothing Then
    If Not adoMA_EDI.State = 0 Then
    End If
End If
If Not connDB Is Nothing Then
    If Not connDB.State = 0 Then
    End If
End If
'Destroy the recordset and dbase connection objects.
Set adoMA_EDI = Nothing
Set connDB = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Access.Application.Visible = True
If Err.Number <> 462 Then
    On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
End If
If Err.Number = 0 Then
    MsgBox Prompt:="The EDI has been created"
    MsgBox Prompt:="The EDI process has encountered an error and has ended."
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Prompt:="Error in CreateEDI! Error#: " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
'Return false due to the error
CreateEDI = False
End Function


SizeString is a function that allows me to pad strings to a specific number of characters, with any pad string that I provide, on either the right or left side of the string. This function is provided by Chip Pearson and can be found at the following website:

Fixed Length Strings In VBA

WriteEDIToFile(strIn As String) As Boolean is a simple function that creates a text file of the concatenated string
Function CreateEDIDebug(wkbIN As Workbook, strFieldNameIn As String, strDataIn As String, strFormattedDataIn As String, intRecordCountIn As Integer) As Boolean is a function that creates an excel file and records the original string, the formatted string, and the string size where each row represents a single record in the recordset for catching formatting, padding, or justification errors. [It is much easier to see than trying to decipher the text file, which is simply rows of concatenated strings]

If I call the function in the immediate window without the optional "Y" to generate the debug file, the last function is not called, so I do not think the unqualified reference occurs in that function.

Any help that can be provided would be great, thanks!

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