Run-time error '380' Could not set the Value property. Invalid property value


New Member
Feb 11, 2024
Office Version
  1. 2021
  1. Windows
Hello All,

Everything is working well except the Edit macro. I am writing the macros per this youtube instructions and substituting with my fields.


This is the error message I get when the Edit Macro is ran:


Here is the Edit Macro.

VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

  If Selected_List = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Code to update the value to respective controls
    Dim sPR As String
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True
        Me.optno.Value = True
    End If
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)

    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"

End Sub

Here is all the form's code if this is helpful:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

  If Selected_List = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Delete"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim i As VbMsgBoxResult
    i = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the selected record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Confirmation")
    If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database").Rows(Selected_List + 1).Delete
    Call Reset
    MsgBox "Selected record has been deleted.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Deleted"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

  If Selected_List = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Code to update the value to respective controls
    Dim sPR As String
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True
        Me.optno.Value = True
    End If
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)

    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdreset_Click()
    Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult

   msgValue = MsgBox("Do you want to rerest the form?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Confirmation")
   If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    Call Reset

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()

   Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult

   msgValue = MsgBox("Please check you entries and confirm you want to save the data", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Confirmation")
   If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    Call Submit
    Call Reset

End Sub

Private Sub Frame1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Call Reset

End Sub

Here is the Module code:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub Reset()
    Dim iRow As Long
    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] 'identifying the last row'
    With frmform1
        .txtnumber.Value = " "
        .Txttitle.Value = " "
          .lbsystem.AddItem "ACS"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Archive Data"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "ATDS"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Autocapture Testbed"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "AVN"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "C&DH"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "CBS"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "COMLIDAR"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "COMM"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "COMSEC"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "EGSE"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "EGSE (Flight I&T)"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "EPS"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "FlatSat"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "FSW"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "HFCS"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "L7 Mockups (Flight I&T)"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Landsat 7"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "LIDAR"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "MECH"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "MGSE (Flight I&T)"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "PCC"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "PROP"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "PSU"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "PTS"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "RDT"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "REU"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "ROBOT"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "RPO"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "RPO Testbed"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "SC"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "SCTHRM"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "Servicing Payload (PYLD)"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Serviving Testbed"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "Simulators"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "SP/SV/SC SPIDER GSE"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Spave Vehicle Management"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "SPIDER"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "SPINT"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "STR"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "SVINT"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "Testbeds"
         .lbsystem.AddItem "THRM"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "TOOL"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "VDSU"
        .lbsystem.AddItem "VSS"

        .optyes.Value = False
        .optno.Value = False
            .lbdefectcode.AddItem "10 - Solder Defect"
        .lbdefectcode.AddItem "20 - Contamination"
          .lbdefectcode.AddItem "30 - Shrink Tubing Missing"
        .lbdefectcode.AddItem "40 - Not Built to Specification/Drawing"
          .lbdefectcode.AddItem "50 - Dimensions Out of Tolerance"
        .lbdefectcode.AddItem "60 - Failed Test"
          .lbdefectcode.AddItem "70 - Accept"
        .lbdefectcode.AddItem "80 - Damaged"
          .lbdefectcode.AddItem "90 - Documentation Error"

          .lbexpected.AddItem ".5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "1"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "1.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "2"
           .lbexpected.AddItem "2.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "3"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "3.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "4"
           .lbexpected.AddItem "4.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "5.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "6"
           .lbexpected.AddItem "6.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "7"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "7.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "8"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "8.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "9"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "9.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "10"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "10.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "11"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "11.5"
        .lbexpected.AddItem "12"

         .lbactual.AddItem ".5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "1"
        .lbactual.AddItem "1.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "2"
           .lbactual.AddItem "2.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "3"
        .lbactual.AddItem "3.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "4"
           .lbactual.AddItem "4.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "5.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "6"
           .lbactual.AddItem "6.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "7"
        .lbactual.AddItem "7.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "8"
        .lbactual.AddItem "8.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "9"
        .lbactual.AddItem "9.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "10"
        .lbactual.AddItem "10.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "11"
        .lbactual.AddItem "11.5"
        .lbactual.AddItem "12"

        .txtproblem.Value = " "
        .txtnotes.Value = " "
        .txtRowNumber.Value = " "
        .lbdatabase.ColumnCount = 12
        .lbdatabase.ColumnHeads = True
        .lbdatabase.ColumnWidths = "40,40,40,40,20,20,40,40,40,40,40,40"
        If iRow > 1 Then
            .lbdatabase.RowSource = "Database!A2:L" & iRow
            .lbdatabase.RowSource = "Database!A2:L2"
        End If
    End With

End Sub

Sub Submit()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
    If frmform1.txtRowNumber.Value = " " Then
    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1
    iRow = frmform1.txtRowNumber.Value

    End If
    With sh
        .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1
        .Cells(iRow, 2) = frmform1.txtnumber.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 3) = frmform1.Txttitle.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 4) = frmform1.lbsystem.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 5) = IIf(frmform1.optyes.Value = True, "Y", "N")
        .Cells(iRow, 6) = frmform1.lbdefectcode.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 7) = frmform1.lbexpected.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 8) = frmform1.lbactual.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 9) = frmform1.txtproblem.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 10) = frmform1.txtnotes.Value
        .Cells(iRow, 11) = Application.UserName
        .Cells(iRow, 12) = [Text(Now(), "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS")]
      End With

End Sub

Sub Show_Form()

End Sub

Function Selected_List() As Long

    Dim i As Long
    Selected_List = 0
    For i = 0 To frmform1.lbdatabase.ListCount - 1
        If frmform1.lbdatabase.Selected(i) = True Then
            Selected_List = i + 1
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

End Function

Thank you very much,

Excel Facts

VLOOKUP to Left?
Use =VLOOKUP(A2,CHOOSE({1,2},$Z$1:$Z$99,$Y$1:$Y$99),2,False) to lookup Y values to left of Z values.
Which line is actually causing the error?

BTW, it's a little weird to my mind to use listboxes squashed down to one visible row - a combobox would make more sense.
Upvote 0
Step through your code and watch what happens. Check the values of variables as you go (the Watch window is useful for this - see View menu in editor). You might be trying to set a value somewhere that isn't valid for that cell/control according to its format type. I say somewhere because you don't reveal which line triggers the error which always good to know. I see that at one point you attempt to set a single space as a value but I wonder if your intent was to set it to an empty string ("" not " ").

Can I ask why the double and triple line spacing everywhere? It only serves to make code 2 or 3 times taller than it needs to be. Asking because I'm noticing it a lot more lately and wonder if the forum software is injecting blank lines.
Upvote 0
Which line is actually causing the error?

BTW, it's a little weird to my mind to use listboxes squashed down to one visible row - a combobox would make more sense.

Thank you Rory, I added comment below comment: 'The error is here. I will try to witch to comboboxs. Thank you for the suggestion.

VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
  If Selected_List = 0 Then    
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"    
    Exit Sub    
    End If    
    'Code to update the value to respective controls 
    Dim sPR As String   
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1  
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)   
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)     'THE ERROR IS ALSO HERE
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True   
        Me.optno.Value = True        
    End If    
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5) 
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)    'THE ERROR IS HERE
    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)    
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)    
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)   
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"   
End Sub
Upvote 0
Step through your code and watch what happens. Check the values of variables as you go (the Watch window is useful for this - see View menu in editor). You might be trying to set a value somewhere that isn't valid for that cell/control according to its format type. I say somewhere because you don't reveal which line triggers the error which always good to know. I see that at one point you attempt to set a single space as a value but I wonder if your intent was to set it to an empty string ("" not " ").

Can I ask why the double and triple line spacing everywhere? It only serves to make code 2 or 3 times taller than it needs to be. Asking because I'm noticing it a lot more lately and wonder if the forum software is injecting blank lines.

Sorry for the spacing. The guy in the Youtube video did it so I copied the spacing. I agree it makes it too long. I think you can see my reply to Rory above but if not here is where the error is happening:

VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
  If Selected_List = 0 Then    
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"    
    Exit Sub    
    End If    
    'Code to update the value to respective controls 
    Dim sPR As String   
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1  
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)   
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)     'THE ERROR IS ALSO HERE
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True   
        Me.optno.Value = True        
    End If    
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5) 
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)    'THE ERROR IS HERE
    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)    
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)    
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)   
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"   
End Sub

Thank you,
Upvote 0
I suspect the issue is that the values don't actually match anything in the list. For example, you added ".5" to one list, but the other contains "0.5" which is not the same. I'd suspect the system value also doesn't quite match - eg a leading/trailing space on the worksheet data.
Upvote 0
Thank you Rory, I added comment below comment: 'The error is here. I will try to witch to comboboxs. Thank you for the suggestion.

VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
  If Selected_List = 0 Then   
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"   
    Exit Sub   
    End If   
    'Code to update the value to respective controls
    Dim sPR As String  
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1 
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)  
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)     'THE ERROR IS ALSO HERE
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True  
        Me.optno.Value = True       
    End If   
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)    'THE ERROR IS HERE
    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)   
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)   
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)  
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"  
End Sub

Thank you Rory, I added comment below comment: 'The error is here. I will try to witch to comboboxs. Thank you for the suggestion.

VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
  If Selected_List = 0 Then   
    MsgBox "No row is selected.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"   
    Exit Sub   
    End If   
    'Code to update the value to respective controls
    Dim sPR As String  
    Me.txtRowNumber.Value = Selected_List + 1 
    Me.txtnumber.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.Txttitle.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 2)  
    Me.lbsystem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 3)     'THE ERROR IS ALSO HERE
    sPR = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    If sPR = "Y" Then
        Me.optyes.Value = True  
        Me.optno.Value = True       
    End If   
    Me.lbdefectcode.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.lbexpected.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 6)    'THE ERROR IS HERE
    Me.lbactual.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 7)   
    Me.txtproblem.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 8)   
    Me.txtnotes.Value = Me.lbdatabase.List(Me.lbdatabase.ListIndex, 9)  
    MsgBox "Please make the required changes and click on 'Save' button to update.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Edit"  
End Sub

Thank you Rory. It is solved. I changed from listbox to combobox and now it works. Thank you very much
Upvote 0
I suspect the issue is that the values don't actually match anything in the list. For example, you added ".5" to one list, but the other contains "0.5" which is not the same. I'd suspect the system value also doesn't quite match - eg a leading/trailing space on the worksheet data.

Thank you, The combobox swap solved the issue. Thank you very much
Upvote 0

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