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- Aug 5, 2010
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Dear All,
I am using excel 2007 with Vista home 64 bit. I have the following code which steps through a list of excel files opening each counting the number of records and then reporting the number of records to another excel file.
The macro works fine but I have heard that use of the "select" statement will slow down a macro. I was wondering if someone could point me towards a different strategy for that would have same outcome (but faster) that I have achieved.
Thank you
I am using excel 2007 with Vista home 64 bit. I have the following code which steps through a list of excel files opening each counting the number of records and then reporting the number of records to another excel file.
The macro works fine but I have heard that use of the "select" statement will slow down a macro. I was wondering if someone could point me towards a different strategy for that would have same outcome (but faster) that I have achieved.
Sub Count_Records()
' Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim mylist As String, myFilename As String, aRow As Integer, bCol As Integer, TestBlank As Integer, zRow As Integer, _
ZCol As Integer, startData As Integer, Enddata As Integer, RandomRow As Integer, myWindowname As String, _
Varcount As Integer, xRow As Integer, xCol As Integer
Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:\Records.xlsm"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="K:\openfileworking.xlsm"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="K:\Collar_import_log_file.xlsm"
aRow = 2
zRow = 1
ZCol = 1
xRow = 1
xCol = 1
' Start loop
'On Error GoTo 0
' Define values to mylist and myFilename for current pass of Do - Loop cycle
mylist = Cells(aRow, 1).Value
myFilename = Cells(aRow, 2).Value
myWindowname = Cells(aRow, 3).Value
' check length of current mylist value,for a zero length
If Len(mylist) = 0 Then
' in case of stray blanks in unsorted data, check next 10 rows
If TestBlank < 10 Then
TestBlank = TestBlank + 1
' kick back to loop start
' GoTo NoError:
MsgBox "End of File Encountered The Procedure will now exit"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Do
End If
End If
' a valid entry needed to get here so reset testblank to 0
TestBlank = 0
' for a non zero length value of mylist, report current value to user and attempt to open file
'MsgBox "Opening " & mylist
Workbooks.Open mylist
Cells(1, 1).Select
startData = ActiveCell.Row
Cells(zRow, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = mylist
Cells(zRow, 2).Select
ActiveCell.Value = startData
zRow = zRow + 1
aRow = aRow + 1
End Sub
Thank you