What exactly is in A1, the TEXT String "January"
Or a DATE within the month of january, formatted to show just the month?
Use this to test
Is it true or false?
If it's a text string, (Isnumber(A1) returned false)
If it's a date (Isnumber(A1) returned true)
Hi it bring back the correct day and month but gives me a year of 2001 when I need for it to be 2011 (or current year)
If A1 is a TEXT String of "January" (or any month) then this
Will return the 1st day of that month in the current year.
What does this formula return
I'm uncertain as to what the OP means by "current year".If A1 is a TEXT String of "January" (or any month) then this
Will return the 1st day of that month in the current year.
What does this formula return
Today is May 13 2011. So, that formula will return Jan 1 2011.=(A1&1)+0