Building an Array in VB - Help Needed


New Member
Feb 16, 2005
Hi all,

I am trying to write some visual basic to take a selection of data from a worksheet, put it into an array, and then upload it into a table on our teradata database. I've managed to do it all except for one small hitch.

One of the columns that's being pulled into the array shows a four digit location code, and then a description (all within the same cell). I want to to do the equivalent of a "=LEFT(B5,4)" type formula within the code so as to only pick up the piece I need. My current code is shown below:

Sub MakeUploadRange()

Dim myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

For i = 9 To 15008
        myArray(i, 1) = Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 3).Value
        myArray(i, 2) = Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 5).Value
        myArray(i, 3) = Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 24).Value
Next i

Call ExportOrders(myArray)

End Sub

The line "myArray(i, 1) = Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 3).Value" is the one I want to change.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Excel Facts

Can you sort left to right?
To sort left-to-right, use the Sort dialog box. Click Options. Choose "Sort left to right"

did you try
myArray(i, 1) = Left(Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 3).Value, 4)

remark: is your code running quickly ?

kind regards,
Upvote 0

did you try
myArray(i, 1) = Left(Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Cells(i, 3).Value, 4)

remark: is your code running quickly ?

kind regards,

Thanks Erik, I'd tried it lots of ways, but not that way.

It doesn't run especially quickly. Any ideas on speeding it up?

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try this
Sub MakeUploadRange()

Dim myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3)
Dim helpArray(3)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

Const LR = 15008
    With Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL")
    helpArray(1) = .Range("C9:C" & LR)
    helpArray(2) = .Range("E9:E" & LR)
    helpArray(3) = .Range("X9:X" & LR)
        For i = 9 To LR
        myArray(i, 1) = helpArray(1)(i - 8, 1)
        myArray(i, 2) = helpArray(2)(i - 8, 1)
        myArray(i, 3) = Left(helpArray(3)(i - 8, 1), 4)
        Next i
    End With

'Sheets("test").Range("A9:C" & 15008) = myArray

Call ExportOrders(myArray)

End Sub
Upvote 0
try this
Sub MakeUploadRange()

Dim myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3)
Dim helpArray(3)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

Const LR = 15008
    With Worksheets("Order Sheet DETAIL")
    helpArray(1) = .Range("C9:C" & LR)
    helpArray(2) = .Range("E9:E" & LR)
    helpArray(3) = .Range("X9:X" & LR)
        For i = 9 To LR
        myArray(i, 1) = helpArray(1)(i - 8, 1)
        myArray(i, 2) = helpArray(2)(i - 8, 1)
        myArray(i, 3) = Left(helpArray(3)(i - 8, 1), 4)
        Next i
    End With

'Sheets("test").Range("A9:C" & 15008) = myArray

Call ExportOrders(myArray)

End Sub

Erik - two questions from a learner if you don't mind

1) Why didn't the 9 get its own constant?
2)How come the constant didn't get defined before the dim statement and accordingly used in the dim statement?

Gene, "The Mortgage Man", Klein
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Hello, Gene,

didn't do things which much thinking: first purpose was to speed it up
1. do you mean this ?
Const FR = 9
.Range("C" & FR & :C" & LR)
I've put the LR in as constant because it was a long number :) & because I can imagine the next step will be to make it a variable

2. you can put the const ... lines before the dim if you want

as a conclusion of both questions
Dim LR as Long

LR =15008
which can be modified to
Dim LR as Long

LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlup).Row
at the condition the last row will be found in column C

best regards,

EDIT: I've seen your "Mishegas": why not put your avatar here and sign up at DRAFT :wink:
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EDIT: I've seen your "Mishegas": why not put your avatar here and sign up at DRAFT

I actually tried. Didn't succeed. I'm not sure how to do it. Just as well actually - if you've seen "My Mishegas", then you know what an ugly puss I got!

Gene, "The Mortgage Man", Klein
Upvote 0
Sub MakeUploadRange()

Dim myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3), a
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
a = Sheets("Order Sheet DETAIL").Range("c9:x15008").Value

For i = 9 To 15008
        myArray(i, 1) = Left(a(i-8,3),4)
        myArray(i, 2) = a(i-8, 5)
        myArray(i, 3) = a(i-8, 24)
Next i

Call ExportOrders(myArray)

End Sub
Gene, don't you have problem with myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3) when the array passed to Sub ExportOrders?
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Gene, don't you have problem with myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3) when the array passed to Sub ExportOrders?

I don't have a problem with anyone's code - yours or Eriks. It has been quite some time since I worked in a software field, and not only have my skills atrophied, but there is a great deal of new concepts as well. Moreover, a number of people on this board seem to know a lot about speeding up code - something I never cared about when I was in the field.

IOW, my questions were just that - questions.

Gene, "The Mortgage Man", Klein
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Gene, don't you have problem with myArray(9 To 15008, 1 To 3) when the array passed to Sub ExportOrders?

I don't have a problem with anyone's code - yours or Eriks. It has been quite some time since I worked in a software field, and not only have my skills atrophied, but there is a great deal of new concepts as well. Moreover, a number of people on this board seem to know a lot about speeding up code - something I never cared about when I was in the field.

IOW, my questions were just that - questions.

Gene, "The Mortgage Man", Klein

OOps, so sorry Gene. I thought that you asked this question...
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