Looking for a formula to calculate YTD score. I'm using this formula: =YTDPntsAvail(LEFT($A$1,4),M15,R15,X15,AC15,AH15,AN15,AS15,AY15,BD15,BI15,BO15,BT15,NOW()) But receive #REF! error back...
YTD Points Available should be calculated by adding points available for all months prior to current month. For example, if the BSC update is occurring in March, YTD Points Available = January Points Available + February Points Available.
Hope somebody can help me on this issue!
YTD Points Available should be calculated by adding points available for all months prior to current month. For example, if the BSC update is occurring in March, YTD Points Available = January Points Available + February Points Available.
Hope somebody can help me on this issue!