Can anyone help me on this task please


Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2005
<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 align=center cellpadding=2px width=50% ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBMain" border-left=1px solid colSpan= 9 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=Left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','RTsml : ','Select Query, Record Count : 47');" title="Select Query, Record Count : 47"><font color="White">RTsml : Select Query</font></A></TD><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=right >Access 2000</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" colSpan= 9 ><B>SELECT</B> <BR> [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Customer]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Man Targ]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Week No] AS [Wk No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Grade] AS Mat<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[CW Drg] AS CW<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Weight] AS [Fin Wght]<BR>, Sum([FN Routes].[hours]) AS [Est Hrs]
<BR><B>FROM</B> <BR> WC INNER JOIN ([Sql Man Plan] INNER JOIN [FN Routes] ON [Sql Man Plan].[File No]=[FN Routes].[file no]) ON [WC].[opref]=[FN Routes].[opref]
<BR><B>GROUP BY</B> <BR> [WC].[WC]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Customer]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Man Targ]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Week No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Grade]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[CW Drg]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Weight]<BR>, [FN Routes].[opref]<BR>, [FN Routes].[description]<BR>, [FN Routes].[sort order]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Status]
<BR><B>HAVING</B> <BR> (((WC.WC) Like "RT WR*") AND (([Sql Man Plan].[Week No])="26") AND (([Sql Man Plan].Status)<>"INSPECTED"))
<B>ORDER BY</B> <BR> [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Customer]<BR>, [FN Routes].[sort order];
</TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Roll No : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Roll No</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Customer : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Customer</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Man Targ : ','Date/Time');" title="Date/Time">Man Targ</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Wk No : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Wk No</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Mat : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Mat</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','CW : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">CW</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Fin Wght : ','Double');" title="Double">Fin Wght</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('153240383','Est Hrs : ','Double');" title="Double">Est Hrs</A></TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><img src='AccArr.gif' width='7' height='7'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101384 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6998</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >9.81</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101384 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6998</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >9.81</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101384 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6998</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >9.81</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >8</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101405 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/07/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6253</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >8</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101405 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/07/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6253</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >8</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101405 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/07/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6253</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >8</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >7</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101444 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Trostre </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >18VC</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6293</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >3.55</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="IE" CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 9 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerRight" > Record: </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" ><img src='AccNavL.jpg' width='40' height='15'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyData" > 1 </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" ><img src='AccNavR.jpg' width='40' height='15'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerLeft" > of 47</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 9 ><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD ID="Data153240383" CLASS="AccInfoBarInnerRight" >RTsml</TD><TD ID="Info153240383" CLASS="AccInfoBarData" >Select Query, Record Count : 47</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="tpkrow" colSpan = 9 ><CENTER><font size = 1>Access HTML Add-in provided by</font></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>

Hi i have got a Query which pulls back data above, i would like to be able to add some columns after EST Hours which will be in 6hr blocks so 4 columns would equal a day, and go out a week starting 7am sat to 7am sat 28 columns in total, with these columns i would like to be able to highlight strat and finish times in these 28 columns ,(IE: if first job starts 7am Sat and runs for 48 hours it will highlight up until monday 7am , then next job would start at 7am + 1 hr for setuptime etc)

Any help or any ideas where to start on this would be gratefull



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<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 align=center cellpadding=2px width=50% ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBMain" border-left=1px solid colSpan= 11 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=Left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','RTSmall : ','Select Query, Record Count : 47');" title="Select Query, Record Count : 47"><font color="White">RTSmall : Select Query</font></A></TD><TD CLASS="AccTBInner" align=right >Access 2000</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" colSpan= 11 ><B>SELECT</B> <BR> [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Customer<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Man Targ]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Week No] AS [Wk No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Grade AS Mat<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[CW Drg] AS CW<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Weight AS [Fin Wght]<BR>, Sum([FN Routes].hours) AS [Est Hrs]<BR>, CDate(Now()) AS [START TIME]<BR>, CDate(Now())+2 AS [END TIME]
<BR><B>FROM</B> <BR> WC INNER JOIN ([Sql Man Plan] INNER JOIN [FN Routes] ON [Sql Man Plan].[File No] = [FN Routes].[file no]) ON WC.opref = [FN Routes].opref
<BR><B>GROUP BY</B> <BR> [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Customer<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Man Targ]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[Week No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Grade<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].[CW Drg]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Weight<BR>, WC.WC<BR>, [FN Routes].opref<BR>, [FN Routes].[sort order]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Status<BR>, CDate(Now())<BR>, CDate(Now())+2
<BR><B>HAVING</B> <BR> ((([Sql Man Plan].[Week No])="26") AND ((WC.WC) Like "RT WR*") AND (([Sql Man Plan].Status)<>"INSPECTED"))
<B>ORDER BY</B> <BR> [Sql Man Plan].[Roll No]<BR>, [Sql Man Plan].Customer<BR>, [FN Routes].[sort order];
</TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Roll No : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Roll No</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Customer : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Customer</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Man Targ : ','Date/Time');" title="Date/Time">Man Targ</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Wk No : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Wk No</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Mat : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">Mat</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','CW : ','Text(255)');" title="Text(255)">CW</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Fin Wght : ','Double');" title="Double">Fin Wght</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','Est Hrs : ','Double');" title="Double">Est Hrs</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','START TIME : ','Date/Time');" title="Date/Time">START TIME</A></TD><TD CLASS="AccHDRMain" align=left ><A HREF="javascript: void(0)" *******="myFunc('247977853','END TIME : ','Date/Time');" title="Date/Time">END TIME</A></TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><img src='AccArr.gif' width='7' height='7'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26/06/2009 11:50:33</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >28/06/2009 11:50:33</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26/06/2009 11:50:33</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >28/06/2009 11:50:33</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101371 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Rautaruukki Oyj </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9X</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6405</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11.4</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >11</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26/06/2009 11:50:33</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >28/06/2009 11:50:33</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101384 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6998</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >9.81</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26/06/2009 11:50:33</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >28/06/2009 11:50:33</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="currRec" CLASS="AccHDRLeftElem" ><BR></TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >101384 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >Corus Port Talbot </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >15/06/2009</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26 </TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >RX9</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >6998</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >9.81</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >1.5</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >26/06/2009 11:50:33</TD><TD CLASS="AccDataElem" >28/06/2009 11:50:33</TD></TR><TR ><TD ID="IE" CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 11 ><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerRight" > Record: </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" ><img src='AccNavL.jpg' width='40' height='15'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyData" > 1 </TD><TD CLASS="AccButton" ><img src='AccNavR.jpg' width='40' height='15'/></TD><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyInnerLeft" > of 47</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="AccIEOnlyMain" colSpan= 11 ><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP" ><TR ><TD ID="Data247977853" CLASS="AccInfoBarInnerRight" >RTSmall</TD><TD ID="Info247977853" CLASS="AccInfoBarData" >Select Query, Record Count : 47</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR ><TD CLASS="tpkrow" colSpan = 11 ><CENTER><font size = 1>Access HTML Add-in provided by</font></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>

Hi Can anyone show me how to on my start time column i can have first entry now, end time will be start time + est Hrs , then next start time if same roll no will be last end time if its new roll no it will be last end time + 1 hour, would i be better off adding another Column as sequence No to run this with ?

Many Thanks

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