I have a password protected XLSM file. I know the password and it works great under an English Excel. However, if I were to open it under a French computer with a French Excel, it would say that the crypting language is not available and to get a High crypting package or something.
No matter what I enter, (wrong or right password), the same message appear.
I am wondering if the issue could simply be solved somewhere in the registry since this is just a language issue...
I have a password protected XLSM file. I know the password and it works great under an English Excel. However, if I were to open it under a French computer with a French Excel, it would say that the crypting language is not available and to get a High crypting package or something.
No matter what I enter, (wrong or right password), the same message appear.
I am wondering if the issue could simply be solved somewhere in the registry since this is just a language issue...