Cell Font Color Help


New Member
Sep 3, 2002
How do you change the font color of a cell?

Lets say B2-B1 < 5, B3 = Red Color

I know the IF statment for this, but I do not know the code to change the font color of the cell B3. Can anyone help?


Excel Facts

Test for Multiple Conditions in IF?
Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF.
Welcome to the board YUPAPA,

You can do it with Conditional Formating.

1- Select B3
2- Click Format _ Condition Formatting
3- Set condition1 to "Formula is" in drop down box in the Conditional Format dialog window
4- Write this formula in Condition text box


5- Click Format on Conditional Format dialog box
6- Set color to red, Ok.
7- Click Ok to apply your conditional formatting and close dialog box.

Now your cell will be red if your condition is true.

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YUPAPA, experment with the macro recorder, record some macros changing font colors. This will show you the various numbers to use and the command structure to use. Then you can copy/paste into an IF or just type them in.
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