This is what I am looking to do, not sure it this will come across properly in words...
=If(cell shaded tan, do nothing, if(cell value between 0 and 10, change cell shade to yellow, do nothing))
<X<10, do p yellow, to shade cell change nothing), nothing)<><X<10, do p nothing). tan), shading keep yellow, to shade cell change <>These cells are conditionally formatted using the red, yellow, green symbols based on value, I don't want any of that to change if I use this formula/macro.
My cell range is 40 rows by 20 columns that this would need to look at. I am using Office 2010.
I know I can't use formulas to change cell format, I have to use VBA, that is where I could use some help. Thank-you.
=If(cell shaded tan, do nothing, if(cell value between 0 and 10, change cell shade to yellow, do nothing))
<X<10, do p yellow, to shade cell change nothing), nothing)<><X<10, do p nothing). tan), shading keep yellow, to shade cell change <>These cells are conditionally formatted using the red, yellow, green symbols based on value, I don't want any of that to change if I use this formula/macro.
My cell range is 40 rows by 20 columns that this would need to look at. I am using Office 2010.
I know I can't use formulas to change cell format, I have to use VBA, that is where I could use some help. Thank-you.