Cells wont update unlees other workbook open


Board Regular
Mar 4, 2003
I have a sheet where the formulas relate to cells in other workbooks. i get N/A error unless the other workbook is open. Any ideas?

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Somehide hide payroll data in column G? Press F5. Type G1. Enter. Look in formula bar while you arrow down through G.
In fact the formulas are calling values that are found in another workbook
this is why you get the N/A
=HLOOKUP(Month,'H:\Submitted Packs\[CoA Ltd.xls]JVB'!$D$4:$P$57,ROW(C5)-1,FALSE)

so in fact...if u have the JVB sheet in the worbook your working on, you can delete from the formulas all the red marked sentence where the data should be looke for the HLOOKUP
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if you have to keep the references from another workbook than the other workbook should be open.

It creates an Error cause Excel treats only the opened Excel files
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Well -- like the car rental commercial says -- not exactly! :biggrin: Under Tools | Options | Calculation tab -- do you have a check mark by Update remote references?
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Sorry, not paying attention. I think the problem is that your variable Month contains a value lesser than the lowest value contained in the referenced array -- can you check the value of Month as it is now, and see if it exists in the bounds of the array?
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Month equal Jan, This in cell E4 in the JVB sheet. The formula works when i change Month to Feb, Feb is shown in F4 in JVB sheet.
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