Hi, I'm trying to rename a file with VBA so that the original file and the reviewed file are on the network drive in the same folder.
P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\RG Round 2.xls is compared to P:\Compliance\4000\RD1\RG Round 1.xls to identify which cells have changed.
P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\RG Round 2.xls should then be saved as P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\Checked RG Round 2.xls so that we have the original and the version with changed cells highlighted.
The code I'm using is failing at ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs.
Thanks in advance.
P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\RG Round 2.xls is compared to P:\Compliance\4000\RD1\RG Round 1.xls to identify which cells have changed.
P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\RG Round 2.xls should then be saved as P:\Compliance\4000\RD2\Checked RG Round 2.xls so that we have the original and the version with changed cells highlighted.
The code I'm using is failing at ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs.
Sub ChangeFileName()
Dim sFileNameChange As String
Dim sFile3 As String
sFileNameChange = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
sNewFileSplit = Right(sFileNameChange, Len(sFileNameChange) - InStrRev(sFileNameChange, "\"))
sNewPathSplit = Left(sFileNameChange, Len(sFileNameChange) - InStrRev(sFileNameChange, "\"))
sNewFileSplit2 = "Checked " & sNewFileSplit
sNewPathSplit2 = sNewPathSplit & "\"
sFile3 = sNewPathSplit2 & sNewFileSplit2
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sFile3, FileFormat:=xlExcel8
End Sub
Thanks in advance.